Chapter 14

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Darry- So today the day?

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Darry- So today the day?

Sodapop- Yeah today the day...

Darry- You sure you are ready? Start a family and start paying bills?

Sodapop- Yeah I'm ready. I'm ready to start my life.

Steve- Well than we better all get going.

Darry- Wait I'm going to go check on Nicole.

Steve- Alright, hurry though everyone well expect us and the bride are there.

Darry- Yeah okay! Nicole!?

Nicole- I'm ready....

Darry- Little sister don't cry... I know you didn't want this day to come, but it's here.

Nicole- Sadly it is... Well let's go  we can't keep Soda waiting.

Darry- Let's go.

Steve- Are we re-? Wow!!!

Nicole- Is something on me?

Steve- NOOOO!!!

Soda- Nicole you look very um.... beautiful. You look gorgeous.

Nicole- Oh um thank you.

Darry- Well let's go!

Nicole- Yeah it's a big day!

Sodapop- Hmm? oh yeah it is.

Steve- Well hotdog let's get going!

Nicole- Alright off we go!

Darry drives to the Church while Steve, Sodapop and Nicole are sitting in the back together. Deep down Sodapop is thinking about if should marry Sandy and Nicole just wants to get this over with while Steve won't stop thinking about the cake at the wedding.

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