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I wanna thank my incredible friend @C_Brienza for her amazing help with the cover and all her advice! Thank you so much! I did a story like this for Happy Lowman but it was originally a Jax Teller story, so i wanted to share with all you amazing readers!

   Cora sat in her beat up El Camino, a single tear falling down her cheek as she looked at the mock wedding invitation her mother had made. She thought when this day came she would be jumping for joy and thanking her parents for finally picking a man for her to marry, but she was dreading the very thought.

Her future husband was a man three times her age with a bloated face and belly who constantly smelled like body odor. He was also a man she had known her entire life, a man that repulsed her since she could remember. Cora knew that to go against her parents' wishes would mean she was going against her church, but part of her wanted to go against all she knew.

She was 27 and knew only what her parents and the church had told her about life, love and the world. She knew that there was so much more to life than cooking, marriage and making babies, but to talk about such things in her house was frowned upon.

"Goodness!" She said as she heard the boom of the thunder, the rain starting to pour moments later as she finally pulled back onto the road. Her home was almost 20 minutes away, which gave her time to just think about what kind of life she could have if she wasn't confined to her home with her 14 brothers and sisters.

Cora brushed some blond hair from her face as she saw a single light coming behind her in her rear view mirror, her eyes rolling as she knew it was no doubt one of the troublesome bikers who her father always warned about. Her father told her those men were rapists and pigs and should never be trusted.

"Slow down." She said as she watched as the man flew by her on his motorcycle, hoping that the rain wouldn't cause him crash. Cora wanted to think that not all men were bad, but her entire life she had been raised to believe that anyone outside of their church or their community was trouble. She wanted to leave her home and find a job, not just picking up after her siblings and taking care of her parents.

Cora wanted to see the world and see what it had to offer before she married a man she knew in her heart she could never love. Cora gasped as she watched in slow motion as the man on the motorcycle lost control and skidded off the road and into a wooden fence. Her tires squealed as she came to a stop, her heart racing as she grabbed her umbrella and stepped out of her car and into the pouring rain.

Her long floor length skirt drug along the mud and her long hair stuck to her face as she rushed to the man who was lying a pool of mud and grass. "Oh my—sir, are you okay?" Cora asked as she knelt by the man, her hands sticking her umbrella into the fence as she tried to see through the rain.

Her eyes ran over his leather vest, her heart racing as she saw he was a member of a club her father had warned her about; Sons of Anarchy. Cora gasped as she gently pulled him over, her hand pushing some of his blonde hair from his face as she checked for wounds. He was the most handsome man she had ever seen, a man so beautiful she felt it was almost a sin to look at him.

"Sir, please wake up." She said as she gently tapped his cheek, watching as his eyes slowly opened, his eyes the clearest blue she had ever seen. "What is your name? Are you in pain?" Cora asked as she felt helpless in the moment. She knew how to treat small cuts and scrapes but this man was hurt and she didn't know how to help him.

"Get—my-p—hone." The man stuttered as Cora began looking through his pockets, her hands finally grabbing a small cell phone. The moment she dialed 911 she held tight to the man's hand, their eyes connected as she saw the fear in his eyes and desperation on his face.

"I won't let you go, you are gonna be okay." Cora said as the man gripped her hand tighter, his large rings digging into her skin. Several long agonizing moments later the paramedics arrived along with the Sheriff of Charming, a man she recognized. He had been her to home several years earlier when one of her sisters was seen at the store with several large bruises on her legs. Cora wasn't so blind to the fact that her father was abusive, but he always said that as long as she remains faithful to god and his teachings, his beatings would cease.

"Is he going to be okay?" Cora asked as she watched as they slipped into the back of the ambulance, a tall man wearing the same leather vest jumping into the back as more and more bikes started to flood around her.

"Jax is gonna be fine, you did the right thing honey—now just let me get your state—"

"CORA!" A deep voice said behind her as she felt her entire body start to shake, the image of her father coming towards her making bile rise to her throat.  He was a tall man with broad shoulders and white hair, his face covered by a thick beard. He was a terrifying man, a man she never thought to stand up to.

"Your daughter is a hero, Jim, I just need to get her statement." Unser said as he stepped in front of Cora.

"My daughter is a defiant whore! You should have been home hours ago! Look at you out here, soaking wet surrounded by heathens, get in the truck!" Her father hissed as he stepped towards her, Cora watching as several men in vests stepped in front of her, Cora shaking from fear as she knew her father was going to beat her with the belt.

"She ain't goin nowhere, man." A bald man covered in tattoos said as the rain started to let up, Cora feeling a sense of hope wash over as she knew in her heart these men were good natured.

"That is my daughter, she is mine, and she will do as I say!"

"Your daughter is also well over the age of 18, she can do as she pleases Jim! Don't make me call CPS on you again and have them raid your little cult community!" Unser said as Cora felt tears spring to her eyes as she thought about her siblings, knowing full well that they too were being abused.

"Cora, if you stay with these men—you are no longer my daughter. If you choose to stay with these heathens, you are no better than a whore!" Her father hissed as he tried to step forwards several men blocking his path as Unser gently shoved her behind him.

"I would rather be a heathen's whore, than go back with you." Cora snapped, her body shaking as she felt her body flush with fear. Cora moved as her father lunged at her, Cora watching in shock and horror as the men in Sons of anarchy vests protected her like guardian angels.

She burst into tears as Unser led her towards his car, everything around her falling apart as she felt true fear in the moment. She had no real skills, no money, no home, and knew no one outside of her small church community.

"I don't have anywhere to go— "She sobbed as she sat in the back of Unser's car, a blanket over her shoulders as the kind man knelt in front of her.

"I got a friend, her name is Gemma Teller—she is letting you stay in her spare room, until you get on your feet." He said as bright lights blinded them both. "Speak of the devil—not the real one." Unser joked as he saw the hesitation on Cora's face. Cora stood as she watched a tall woman with long black hair and blond streaks walk towards her. She was covered in black head to toe, but had the softest smile of anyone she had ever seen.

"Oh my." Cora said as the woman hugged her tight, Cora wincing as the woman's grip on her body was tighter than she was used to. Her family wasn't the hugging kind and it was rare for anyone to show affection.

"You saved my son—thank you so much sweetheart." Gemma said as she cupped the girls face and kissed her cheek, Cora smiling weakly as she felt tears spring to her eyes. She was lost and alone and scared out of her mind. She had never been more than an hour from home, and she had never known life outside of her small community, a community that was often called a cult by outsiders.

Cora knew now that her life was going to change in ways she had never imagined, she just hoped that she was ready for it.

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