Chapter Fourteen

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HELLO EVERYONE!! Welcome to the last chapter of my short and sweet story salvation!!! This is a short story and the response has been amazing!! Thank you guys so much for all the love and the support for this story and for all my other stories! I have so much more coming and doing this story was awesome since it gave me a chance to explore sweet Jax Teller 

"Momma, it moved." Abel said as he watched his dinosaur toy move on her belly. "That's brother! That's brother" Abel smiled as he watched the twins move and kick in her belly, her due date just around the corner. She was more than ready to bring her son and daughter into the world, her body aching and her hormones so out of control that her own husband was scared to be around her.

"Babe?" She heard Jax say from the hallway, Cora smiling as he walked into the room, looking as handsome as ever, considering he was still messy from painting the twins room. She had no idea that painting the room was going to take all day, but Jax wouldn't let her near the bedroom till it was finished.

"Yes, Michael Angelo?"

"Funny, I think I got it all done—wanna come see?" Jax said as Abel hopped from the bed and rushed to the room, Cora watching as Jax made a quiet gesture with his finger.

"Jax? What did you do? I thought you were painting?" She asked as Jax took her hands in his, her back aching as she waddled down the hall to the bedroom, her eyes going wide and her mouth dropping open as she saw what had kept Jax busy all day. "Oh my god." She said as she looked at the perfect room.

The cribs were all set up, blue for their son Thomas and pink for their daughter Jasmine, a name that Cora had to fight for since Jax had wanted to name their daughter Melody. The room was all set up with the perfect combination of princess and biker, a chuckle escaping her as she saw the small kutte for Thomas sitting on his crib.

"Babe, are you okay?" Jax asked as he cupped her face, his thumbs wiping her tears away as she began to sob into his chest. "Did I not do it right? What is it baby, talk to me?"

"It's so perfect Jax." She cried, Jax trying not to laugh as he was so confused by his wife's mood swings. "I love you so much I—"She started to say as she felt a warm sensation run down her legs, her eyes going wide as she knew what had just happened. "Jax—I think my water just broke." She said as she watched as panic washed over Jax's face.

"Are you sure?"

"Jax I am sure, call your mother we need to get to the hospital." Cora said as she rested her hand on her belly as she tried to waddle out of the room. A yell escaped her as Jax scooped her up in his arms, a shocked laugh escaping her as he gently kissed her lips. She was shocked that Jax could still carry her bridal style, but it gave her  a small boost of self confidence.

"I love you, Cora."

"I love you too, Jax. Now get me to the hospital!"


Jax slipped into the scrubs and proper outfit for the C-section, something he wasn't looking forward to since it was major surgery. He didn't want to lose his wife or his children, but he knew it was the safest route. Jax walked into the operating room, a smile on his face as he sat by his wife, the look on her face telling him all he needed to know.

"Everything will be fine baby." He said as he kissed her forehead, their eyes connecting as he knew she was scared. "I love you Cora, just breath and think about the babies." He whispered as he held her hand tighter. Jax knew that she was past her 36-week mark, which made it better for the twins to be born healthy, but Jax knew that family flaw was not going to be outrun.

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