Chapter Eight

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Jax felt his stomach churn as they pulled up to the scene of cop cars and ambulances, his heart racing as he felt the world spinning around him. The thought of Cora being hurt, or possibly being dead was ripping his soul out piece by piece. She was his life and he knew that if he lost her, he would truly live the rest of his life alone.

Jax heard Opie scream as he got out of the car, Jax rushing to his best friend's side as Donna laid on the side of the street; dead. "Where is Cora?" Jax asked as he looked around for her, not seeing any sign except for her purse that was next to the truck.

"She was taken to St Thomas. The bullets entered her shoulder and left side of her head, they are positive she—JAX!" Unser yelled as Jax took off for his mother's car, his body shaking too hard for him to even think of riding his bike. Tears cascaded down his face as he drove to the hospital, his entire body shaking as he thought of her beautiful face and how her eyes would gaze lovingly into his as they made love.

He couldn't lose her, because he knew if he did he lost apart of himself that he knew he could never get back. Jax rushed into the hospital, asking anyone who might know anything about where to find Cora.

"Cora, Meyers she was brought in with gunshot wounds." Jax said to the nurses who looked concerned, his body tensing as he heard his name being called from down the hall. The person calling his name was one of the same surgeons who worked on Abel, a man that Jax trusted to give it to him straight.

"Where is she? Is she--?"

"She is alive, Jackson, they are removing the bullet from her skull now—come in here, we need to talk." The doctor said as he pulled him into the waiting room. "Cora, is going to be fine once she recovers, but we have some fears there may be some--memory loss. The bullet hit a part of her brain that directs memory, and in these cases the victim tends forget everything, even their own name in some cases." He said, Jax feeling as if the air was let out of his lungs. He sat back in one of the chairs, his hand brushing a tear from his cheek as his family started to flood into the waiting room.

"So—she could not even remember me at all, not even a little bit?" Jax asked as his mother sat down next to him, her hand on his shoulder.

"She might have figments of you and of her past and others, but—she will never fully regain her memory back—I'm sorry Jackson I know this is hard to take." The doctor said as he left waiting room, Jax resting his head in his hands as he couldn't believe this was happening. He had been planning to ask Cora to marry him, and now there was a chance that when she looked at him, she wouldn't even know who he was.

"What do you want to do Jax?" Gemma asked as he pulled her sons face from his hands, Jax feeling his heart break as he had no idea what to do. He knew that he loved her with everything he had and that he was going to be by her side.

"When she is ready, I wanna see her—that's my old lady, ma. I can't just leave her."

"She won't even remember you, brother—what is— "Happy tried to say, his body tensing as Jax shot up from his chair and stood just inches from him.

"That's my Old Lady! I don't give a shit if she won't remember me, I won't leave her! I don't care if it takes months or years for her to remember me I will wait that long! Get the fuck outta here, go be with Opie, the man just lost his wife. Figure out why the fuck this happened!" Jax yelled as he pushed his mother's arms away from him, not in the mood to be comforted by anyone. 

   Jax sat in the waiting room for hours, his mother by his side as much as she could be. Jax didn't want to leave, he didn't want to miss a single moment that could be spent with Cora. He wanted to hope that she would look at him with the same love in her eyes that she had before, but the doctors had told him over and over, that wasn't going to be possible.

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