Chapter Three

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I just wanted to take time out to say thank you to all of you amazing readers, thank you so much for all your support! This story is gonna be lighter than most of my others, a nice change I think lol Thank you guys so much

"Jax I really don't know."

"I promise I will go slow—it won't hurt I swear." Jax said as he saw the fear and hesitation in her eyes, knowing that at first, she was going to be hesitant.

"Are you sure it's safe? I mean I saw you crash?" Cora said a she looked down at his rumbling motorcycle, Jax holding his hand out for her as she felt the helmet she was wearing slip into her eyes.

"I promise I won't let anything bad happen, trust me baby." Jax said as she finally took his hand and slid on behind him, her arms holding him close. Cora took a deep breath as they pulled from the clubhouse parking lot, Cora biting her lip as she tried to contain her smile and excitement.

"This is so amazing!" Cora yelled as they finally pulled onto the highway, her heart racing as she saw the world around her racing by. Her heart fluttered as she felt Jax gently grab her hand with his, even for a micro second the feeling of his skin on hers making her mind race out of control.

"It's an incredible feeling, just remember, don't let go of me—I don't wanna lose you." Jax joked as she held as tight to him as she could, her heart fluttering as she became lost in the moment.

 "Don't worry Jax, you will never lose me!"

An hour later they finally pulled back into the clubhouse parking lot, Cora's legs aching and vibrating as she felt a sensation between her legs, a sensation she had never felt before. "That was a rush, Jax—I get why you love it so much." Cora said as Jax wrapped his arm around her waist as her legs felt like jelly. 

   "Don't worry that goes away." Jax smirked as they shared a chuckle, Jax whipping his head around as he heard someone whistle in the distance, Cora smirking as she saw Tig, Bobby and Chibs watching them with amusement.

"GET BACK TO WORK! FUCKING ASSHOLES!" Jax yelled as he knew he needed to get back to the shop, his hand grabbing hers as he gently brought it to his lips. "Thanks for coming with me—it's always nice to be held by a beautiful woman." Jax said as their eyes connected.

"Jax—stop flirting and get back to work."

"I can't help it, I like flirting with you." Jax teased as he gently poked her ribs as she walked away, Cora chuckling as she walked towards the office. "Be careful tonight—I don't know what you guys are doing but—just be careful okay." Cora said as Jax knew that what they were doing was dangerous. They were retaliating against the Mayans for their involvement in stealing their guns, and it wasn't going to end well if they were caught.

"I'll call you." Jax said as he walked into the shop, ignoring the looks the guys were giving him. He didn't care that he was missing out on perfect croweater pussy, or porn pussy, all he cared about was having one more perfect moment with Cora. It had been almost a two weeks since his accident and in that time Cora had managed to wrap him around her little finger.

Every morning when he got up he would text her, and every night she was the last voice he wanted to hear. He felt like he was 16 again and new to what love was, but he knew that there was always a chance he could get hurt. Jax didn't want to push Cora into being intimate with him, since he knew that if he pushed too much he would push her away.

"Jacky boy! Get ya head out ya ass and help me!" Chibs said as he hit his shoulder, Jax smiling as he knew that once again he had gotten lost in his thoughts of Cora, something that was happening more and more often.

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