[23] Boyfriend

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By the time Cricket pulled up on his mo-ped, Mustache Man was long gone, and Doc was sleeping, still stuck to the tree.

Might as well, I thought. It was pretty late, and although I realized that the sleeping wasn't his choice per se, if I had the option, I'd be asleep, too.

As he took in the scene, Cricket's mouth fell open. "He's--"


"And sleeping?"


"Okay," he said quietly, nodding. "Okay, we can fix this, don't worry."

"As someone who's been duct-taped to all sorts of stuff before, I was thinking that I could use your expertise."

"You called the right man," Cricket smirked, readjusting his glasses. "I'll need you to start pulling the tape... there."


"I can't believe you let your boyfriend manhandle me like that."

"Okay, a) Cricket is so hilariously not my boyfriend, b) he was doing you a favor--"

"C) he's still in the, the, car."

"Hey, tell him I'm not your girlfriend, Cricket!"

"She's, uh, not my girlfriend."

"Oh, like it matters. Let's just agree never to speak of this night again, all right, little boy?"

"I wouldn't even know, uh, what to say."

"It's settled, then."

"I still have a touch of food poisoning, if, if, anyone was going to ask."

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