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This is the character I will be roleplaying as! OwO
I'll also take on the roles of Victims in the scenarios - which will be posted Soon! OwOb

Cedric Barrett

The Marionette

Cedric was 47 when he died in 1994 - but he can't remember how long it has been since his death.

Technically none : but he identifies as male.

Ghost, which has possessed the body of of a broken mechanical puppet.

Dead as dirt.

Reason of death
Cedric was killed in a street Robbery - he was unable to move on to the afterlife however, which left him trapped on earth and forced him to possess his current body.

He has a bronze body with rusty ball-joints, and tattered strings hanging from them. He has brown hair and blue eyes. The metal around his left eye has been torn away, leaving the plastic eyeball exposed. His jaw is hanging loosely from his head, and is filled with sharp, spiky teeth. His left foot is hanging loosely from his leg - which causes him to be very, very slow when moving around.
He misses some fingertips, and wires hang from some places of his body.
He had a 'muscular' body type - even though he actually lacks any real muscle.
Dirt, grease and (blue-ish) rust cover most of his body.

He wears a dirty, brown gilet with lighter brown edges and shoulder patches. Underneath it, a white blouse that exposes his under arms - or what's left of the colour white, anyway. He wears black jeans of which one pipe is torn away. He also wears light brown shoes with goldish soles.

Cedric possessed two states of mind: Calmth, and Enraged. Each of them have other personalities - but since Calmth is his default state, only that one shall be written here.

+ Patient
+ Loyal

+ Protective
+ Friendly
+ Curious


- Lonely
- Easily manipulated
- Easily angered
- Insecure
- Naive

Likes / Dislikes
+ Puppets and Dolls
+ Anything with gears in it
+ Having a companion to talk with
+Chocolate Milk
+ Fixing/improving his body (and showing his work to his friends)
- Water
- His general looks
- Being all alone
- Being whatever it is he is right now
- Running

Orientation: straight as a plank.
He doesn't know anyone yet - but is eager to make friends. If only other moving things weren't so scary--

*Spoilers for Cedric Barrett : The Origin Story*

Cedric used to be the owner of a puppet theatre called 'Puppet Joy', which was forced to close in 1964. He disappeared off the radar for a long time after that - until 1994, the year he was killed.
It was as simple as a street Robbery gone wrong - but it ended up being fatal for him.
After his death, Cedric somehow couldn't move on and was forced to stay on earth. He would be able to move on when he would kill his murderer, by his own hand.
Lucky for him, a body he could possess to furfill this now purpose was present - the broken, mangled mechanical puppet body he has now. He's been dwelling in alleys every since, looking for whoever could be his killer, and murdering random passerbys in the hope it will bring him salvation.

Method of Killing / Weapons
Cedric will first try to stun the victim by knocing them out, then resorts to brinigng them
to their theatre. There, they will crush their bodyparts withtheir broken jaw, and afetrwards pry any teeth that stayed behind from their body. If th evictim has not died by then, they will resort to strangling, pushing their victim's windpipe shut until they die of suffocation.

Reason to Kill
Cedric needs to kill, in order to move on to the afterlife. However, this is unlikely to ever happen by now - God knows where his killer is.
Doesn't stop him from trying, though.

Cedric can't speak on his own - instead, he uses a radio installed in his throat, which switches between channels rapidly for speech. It makes for some... interesting conversations.

Cedric's teeth stand loosely in his mouth, and they occasionally fall out. Excuse him as he puts them back in, please.

When Enraged, Cedric will start leaking a red substance from his jaw and sometimes eyes. This is not blood, but red ectoplasm from his spirit. It leaves terrible stains. On. EVERYTHING.

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