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After some time of thinking and working things out, I've decided that the victims that will appear in this RP Book (that are roleplayed by me, at least--) will be divided into 4 levels. The higher the level, the more challenging this victim will be to take down.

These victims barely oppose a threat. They will come when you call for them, and are very easily decieved. They do not know any form of self-defense and lack any weapons.
They are extremely easy to manipulate, and tend to believe everything that's told to them.
They are overly kind, helpful and protective. They are not hard to take down, and are the most common victims you'll find.
They do not hide or run away when in danger, nor defend themselves. Instead, they'll freeze and await their fate.

These victims are a bit tougher. While they are still helpful and fairly kind, they are not very trusting and easily get suspicious. The often do not know self-defense or lack a weapon, and if they do have one, don't know how to use it.
They are easily manipulated, but are capable of resisting in some cases.
However, they will keep their distance and are more aware of their surroundings. They won't hide when in danger, however. They might run away, but often don't get far. They do not defend themselves when attacked.

And here is where things get tough. These victims often have weapons, but are unskilled with them. They also have a basic sense of self defense.
They tend to run away when called for, and are not very helpful.
However, they are often slow and indecisive about where to run to. They are bad at hiding. They will attempt to escape when attacked, but can attack their opponent themselves as well in the worst of cases. Their strength is lacking, however.
They are too suspicious of others to be truly open for manipulation, but it is possible if played right.

Welcome to hell.
These victims often carry weapons, and know how to use them. They also know a form of self-defense, and are skilled in it.
They will run away when called for, no exceptions.
They are very suspicious of their surroundings and extremely unhelpful.
When attacked, the victim will either run and hide or defend itself, attacking its opponent in return. They are strong and fast, and are good at hiding.
They are unwilling for negogiation - manipulation is our of question.

However, if the killer is fast and uses the element of surprise, they might have a chance of defeating these powerful victims.

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