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I've been receiving a bunch of new forms again, and remember the issues I adressed in the previous 'rant' chapter?
Well, do you guys even bother to read it?
Honestly, this is ticking me off. I've stated, VERY CLEARLY, what needs to be on the form and what does not.
Don't. Bend. The. Rules.
I'm not making any exceptions for any character. 10 personality traits, minimum of 5 likes and 5 dislikes. That's the rule, that's what I asked.
So fill. It. In.
I'm getting sick of having to CONSTANTLY ask people the same thing, and my patience is running out. You will fill in the form completely, or I won't accept you. I'll ask you to edit what's not correct in my eyes - and I'm highly tolerant, I accept a lot of characters in here. But only if the forms are completed.

And like I said, no exceptions for any character. 10 personality traits, 5 likes, 5 dislikes. That's it. It's easy, guys.
Why are you all doing this to me the whole time? Honestly, this is really upsetting, as I feel like I come over as naggy and mean when it's just, people don't do what I ask. Is the form too complicated, guys? Is it? If it is please tell me. I'll change it. I'll edit it for you guys. I'd do anything for you guys - but I expect at least a little bit of effort in return.

I'm sorry for all of this, guys. I just don't know anymore.
But what I do know is that I'm growing tired of this. Of constant being so naggy, and people not doing what I ask from them.
Please, guys, when I ask something, just do it. Don't leave me hanging. I'm only a human as well, and I have limits. I don't want to come off as rude or mean, hell, I'd rather jump of a building that do that, but I'm seriously growing tired of this. My patience is running out, and I'm not  stalen enough to keep it up like this.

Please, please understand. Just do what I ask from you, it's that simple. I don't ask for anything else. Just that one, tiny thing. Okay? Please?

Thank you all for listening to my pathetic, useless rambling. I'm sorry I did this - but I don't want to keep bottling it up.
I'll see you all later - ad don't forget, even though I'm a bit tired of everything, I still love all of you very much. <3

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