Important notice.

78 3 31

Ladies and gentleman, I am sorry.
I had been forced to stay offline for a while due to unfortunate circumstances involving my tablet, but this is something I had been meaning to write for a longer time now.

For the forms that I had not said anything to yet, please do not feel offended. But I am tired. I see the same mistakes again and again and again, and I am done with correcting it all the time. I'm just. Done. No more.
I ask for such simple things, but y'know what? I won't even elaborate on it anymore. The previous two chapters say enough.

Besides that, my greatest issue is more personal and out fo anybody's influence. I have ben suffering from a lot of stress, and due to being at risk of getting overworked (so great when you're so young) if I keep this up, I have made a decision.

I'm sorry for everyone who wanted to join this book, but I'm just sick of it all.
From now on, the rp book shall be ended. Nee forms will not be accepted, even when they're decent and properly filled in. I don't want to correct them anymore, and don't want to keep on stressing about it either.

Please, I beg you, understand. Don't be angry at me.
I'm just... so tired.

I hope the few people that had a chance to rp in this book (which is very few, I apologise once again), enjoy it at least. One day, I might open it up again - but I highly doubt I'll be as tolerant as before when I do.

Have a great day everyone, and although I know I sound like a jerk in here probably, I love all of you to bits. Stay awesome out there, each one of You! <33333

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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