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Hey guys, this is a bit of a rant/vent I guess? It's regarding an issue I've been thinking of for longer now:

The Character forms.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying any of these characters that have entered the books are bad. Not at all - I love each single one of them, so don't worry about that.

But while I've seen plenty of good forms, I've also seen some forms that are... Not really what I expected to see. Not only on this book - on others as wel, and it's a bit disappointing.
I guess you could say that, what bothers me most is simply how the forms are filled in: Empty spaces, unbalanced traits, things  that have not been filled in despite them being manditory - it's not very pleasant, to say the least.

I don't want to seem naggy by constantly pointing out issues or asking things to be changed - It makes me feel terrible to do so, and I don't want to have to keep on doing that.

So, basically all I'm asking is:  When you fill in the form, fill in the ENTIRE form, unless there are parts where the word 'OPTIONAL' is written next to. The optional ones can be left out - they are not neccesary. I've even gone so far to make things easier for a lot of peeps by making the Backstory optional for instance, though it would be nice to see anything like it.

But DON'T give me things such as 'Unknown' or 'Find out' on things where there is no Optional sign to be found. Those are there because I need to know those things - they are important. So filling in things such as Unknown make my job a whole lot harder -  and thus, force me to nag.

And please, please don't think I enjoy doing that - I hate it, I don't wanna have to do it. But in return, I do ask for properly filled in forms - forms I can get all the info from which I need to know, and thus can have some clarity.

Some examples of what's been bothering me:

- Leaving out the pronouns of what a character wants to be referred to.
I need to know this, so I can refer to your characters properly without triggering anyone on accident. DON'T. LEAVE. THEM. OUT. They seem insignificant to you, but mean a TON to me.

- Not filling in the Motive to kill
Look guys, I already cut you some slack by making the backstory optional. But tis is something that I need to know - usually because they also help YOU with developing your character, making them into MORE than just and edgy kilelr prson that murders for 'fun'.
And Please. Guys. For Fun isn't a proper reason, unless explained by some mental illness or so.

- Relationships
I only see sexual and romantic preferences there - but guys, it's also for if your character is already aquinted/friends/enemies with someone. Consider that too - it has bothered me less than the others though, since this is of course optional

I just hope you guys and keep this in mind when filling in your forms, for I am not a perfect human being and my patience is running out. Thank you all for understanding in advance.  <3

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