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This Chapter is a little bit different from the other chapters.

How, you might ask?

Well, that's very simple.

This Chapter has no OC's involved.

This Chapter is all about the Canon characters.

Curious about what I mean? Well, let me explain.

In this chapter, there will be no OC's involved whatsoever.
Instead, everyone here will get a chance to roleplay their favorite canon characters! In group RP's, 1-on-1 rp's, you name it, and it shall be done.~

Everyone can be any character - all you need to do is tell me who you wish to rp! However, the character you chose is only set for the RP you chose it for. If somebody else in a diffeent RP wishes to have the same character, they are more than allowed to!
So, long story short: Canon characters are not set for 1 person only - everyone can be anyone as a result.~

For group RP's, there is only 1 person allowed to RP a certain character. If two wish to play the same character, they will need to decide amongst themselves who will RP them - so it's wise to Always have a backup-character choice as a result!

Interested? Tag me in a comment and we will be able to dicuss things together - I'm looking forward to all the wonderful canon-character RP's lying ahead!~ <3

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