James rodriguez #1

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Ok so before we start, this is my first time writing and english isnt my first language so don't mind the mistake and if you would corrected them i wont mind at all.

It was like they never met, when he saw me, he acted like he doesn't know her with some woman clinging to his arms, as if her life depends on it

"Desperate" is the only word y/n thought of when she saw her, but she couldn't deny the heaviness on her chest

There he stood, the man who broke her heart, the idiol of many people, the amazing footballer, james rodriguez. She could remember the night when it all ended. And how she wished it was all just a simple nightmares and she'd finally wake up in his arms. That night when she decided to talk to him about some cheating rumors and she wished she didn't, that day when he accused her of not trusting, he started doubting her love, which leaded to a big fight and the rest you know it.

And now she couldn't help but be jealous of that woman next to him, who appeared to be his girlfriend y/n guessed, she looked like​ a model with long legs and slim waist. She can't believe he moved on so fast not a month after their break up.

Suddenly, y/n was pulled out of her daydream when y/bbf/n kicked her from under the table "Ouch! What was that for? " y/n snapped at her "Oh i don't know how about spacing out and staring at that table... Wait is that j... " "Yes, now can we please finish this meal so we can go" y/n cutted her best friend, her eyes were already filled with tears, no matter what she can't get over him, neither can she stop loving him.

"Oh! I'm so sorry" exclaimed y/bff/n "Come on I'm done if you want to leave" "yeah, it's best if we go i don't think i could handle this anymore" sighed y/n

After paying the bill and everything, the girls darted towards the door, and when they were almost out, a voice, familiar one stop them "y/n is that you ?" Y/n turn around and froze in her spot.

That voice belonged to the man who broke her and her heart, yup you guessed it its him James Rodriguez

Sooo hope you enjoyed it and i know its bad considering this is my first time, obviously there is a part 2 ❤❤❤

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