Gerard pique

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This was requested by: gerardpique-

Waking up to the sun, practically covering my face like a mask, I was annoyed to say at least, slowly realizing that today it's my birthday, turning around expecting to see Geri's angelic sleeping face, in my thoughts he look like a little child when he's asleep, I turned only to be met by an empty bed.

Where is he? Did he forgot... No don't be stupid Laura, he's probably downstairs, he couldn't forget it. I thought, slowly getting up, even thought my limps could barely function, and I couldn't stop yawning, I somehow managed to wrap the robe around myself, creeped down the stairs, I looked around not finding him anywhere, I came into the kitchen only to find a little note

Hey, going to training don't wait for me I'm going out with the boys

I couldn't believe it, he actually forgot, I turned the note around, hoping to find anything, but my hopes were crushed down. and with a sight I sat on the chair, a pout immediately appeared on her face.

As if she knew what was happening with her, my best friend decided to surprise me, knocking on my doorstep with a small cake, she expected to meet the girl with a big smile, but only to be met with a sulking girl.
"Surpi... Hey what's wrong Laura, why are you like that"

And that question was enough for me to tell her everything, I know I maybe overreacting, but even I don't know why it pained me this much

"Well, take my advice bestie, forget about him at least for day."
"but I..."
"not but, if or and, we're going to the mall shopping, then to a restaurant, and you're gonna be okay with it"
she interjected, leaving no space for me to talk, giving me the mean look, she can be scary sometimes.

~skipping the whole day

It was late afternoon, and we were parking in front of our house, as we got our stuff.
we brought a lot, well you can't stop a girl from getting some clothes.

The house was dark, so Geri isn't home, he still didn't remember, as soon as I stepped a step in, the light went on and every single one of my friends and Geri's teammates and their families jumped screaming

After getting over the chock, and everyone came and wished me a happy birthday, I spotted Geri heading over, as he got to me, he quickly wrapped me in a big hug, swinging me from side to side, like we were dancing slow.

"You liked my surprise mi amor" he whispered in my ear, making my heart flutter.

"Yeah I did, I thought you forgot" I pulled away, looking in his baby blue eyes.

"Now, now I can't forget my princess birthday, now could I" and with that I layed my head on his chest

And they lived happely ever after

Extended scene

"You know, you deserve a slap, for making me think you forgot"
"It's time to cut the cake babe" the footballer awkwardly laughed, rubbing the back of his neck

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