Erik durm

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This was requested by: Paulieeen

It's Christmas time, and who doesn't love Christmas right, presents, family, friends, everything seems ten times cosy and warm. And that's excatly what happened today, as the Dortmund players, and their girlfriends/wives gathered around at Roman's house for a big dinner, including Paulien who is a close friend with the team.

Everybody was there, dressed in ugly sweaters, holding cups of hot chocolate while they sat all cuddling, enjoying some Christmas themed songs, it wasn't often for the team to get a relaxing day like this.

As for Paulien, the girl sat quietly cuddling into Erik, whom she liked ever since they became friends, the boy was the closet of all the team to her, he was her best friend.

As for Erik, the poor boy was just as love sick puppy, she had him at first sight, it's what called a love at first sight. After many conversations on and on, the girls went to the kitchen, while the boys stayed in the living room playing FIFA like usual

In the kitchen, all the girl started to question Paulien if she confessed her feelings for the boy.
In which she responded with one sentence
"Nope and I will never, I mean look at him, then look at me, it will never happen"

"You are delusional babe, he obviously love you" objected Sara

"You know Sara is right, he look like a love sick puppy" defended her Melissa hugging me before she continued "he loves you believe me, and remember better an oops than what if"

Meanwhile in the leaving, as soon as the girls were off earshot.
Marco turned too look at Erik with a frustrated face
"By the gods! You love her, don't you ?!" He exclaimed

In which Erik, turned dark red
"Yes I love her" looking down hiding his face, not wanting any teasing about him blushing.

"Then why don't you tell her already, she loves you, she really do, stop being a coward and tell" said honestly Marc, but knowing Erik he knew his words can't change anything.

They were both stubborn and everyone knew that, and at the same time both of them, were scared to ruin their friendship, they prefer to suffer in silence and have them as friends than to not having them at all.
And it hurts for the both of them, to see each other yet not being able to tell them how they feel, not being able to hug them, and kiss them, and hold them, and call them mine.

It was finally time for food, through out the whole dinner, everybody could see the shy exchange of glances between the pair, and those love eyes, made everyone sick, like how could they not realize. And that was it for everybody, so while Paulien and Erik were in the kitchen cleaning some dishes, the whole team came up with a plane, consisted of just a little mistletoe.

The pair of going to be couple, as other called them, were suddenly yanked by the guys and girls, as Marco and Marc pushed Erik to the entrance of the door, while Sarah and Melissa were the one who dragged Paulien there.

As the two stood at the door, they looked at each other confused, before looking at the whole team, who was looking at something above them, she looked at Erik, who pointed at the mistletoe above their heads, with an awkward chuckle, before he took a deep breath, and leaned down and crushed their lips together.

It took the girl, a few seconds to register the whole thing, before she replied the kiss with more passion.
The couple pulled back and leaned their forehead together, making both of them laugh.

And that's why, after 4 years of dating, Erik proposed to her under a mistletoe, in which she obviously said yes.

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