Julian Weigl

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This was requested by: Dybala-Imagines

It was a normal rainy and cold night,
And what better than spending it with your best friend, watching movies and messing around. That's exactly what me and Julian were doing tonight.

Me and Julian are best friends since diapers, growing up with our mother's as best friends made us practically best friends. You couldn't find one of us without the other, where was our mothers used to say join at hips, and even now after almost 20 years of friendship, we always find time for each other, even with our busy schedule and work and everything.

Movie night usually begin with us bickering about what movie to watch,
Which was actually happening now.

"We are not going to watch Scary Movie you know how much it scares me" I huffed crossing my arms, pouting my lips, showing him my puppy eyes.

"Not gonna work for me princess" he grinned, after many years he was used to my puppy eyes, to not get tricked by them. "As I recall, you made us watch the notebook last time, so today my choice"

"Fine, just this time" I narrowed my eyes at him, knowing he was right, last time I did make him watch the notebook, and pretty little liar. "I'm going to grab some snacks from the kitchen"

And with that I went, and started preparing the bags of potatoes, Skittles (my obsession), popcorn and bars of chocolate, as I wait for the popcorn to get ready, I thought about me and Julian.

Ever since we were teenagers, everyone would think that we were going out together, and that resulted with both of us denying it, even though I used to, well still have a crush on him, that developed into love, as much as I hate to admit it.

After finishing everything, I headed to the living room, only to find Julian putting the worse scary horror movie ever, the conjuring 2, he knows how much I hate that movie.

"Please don't be mad, I just want to watch it, plus you have me to protect you" He somehow noticed my glare, smiling that smile before hugging me swaying me side to side, while I desperately trying to hide my blush behind my hair.

"Okay,now stop being like a panda, and try to watch the movie" I tried to act cool, as much as I love him, I can't ruin our friendship.

At the half of the movie, I was practically sitting on the German lap, not intensely, just the movie was freaking scary. Every jump or scream I make, leave Julian laughing in amusement, I mean how couldn't he be a little bit scared.

We were getting to the most scariest scene, when the boy sitting next to me paused it, I turned to look at him, only to be met with a set of soft lips, it took me a few seconds to register from the shock, and kiss him back.

Few seconds after, we pulled away, he put his forehead on mine, looking deeply into my eyes

"You don't know how much I waited for this" he breathed, not breaking his eye contact with mine. "God, I have been waiting it, since we were teenagers"

"I could say the same thing" the blush now visible into my cheeks "but why now, why didn't you say anything before"

"I knew you'd ask that question" he laughed "because I was scared of loosing you, of loosing our friendship, but now I can't ignore my feelings for you anymore, I'm in love with you, and I can't deny it"

"Good, now I can finally do this" and then I pulled him, into a deep, yet passion kiss.

And we spend the night, watching movies, cuddling, sharing kisses.

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