Please don't Be Sad

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A/n:Second fanfic that I'm writing, yay I guess. This is a Highlight fanfic for their middle member Yoseob. This first chapter is when they are still children. Let's get this shit started!

Yang Yoseob was at the library when he saw them. He was sitting on the stairs, waiting for the library to open. It was a Saturday and there was no school. He didn't like school much, they always made fun of him for being crappy at sports and always hung out in the library.

Anyway, he was eating a chocolate bar when he heard loud laughter on the other street across from him. He stood up to see what was happening and saw about 4 boys from his grade, making fun of a girl younger then them. He heard them swear at her, calling her multiple names as she walked across the street. He could see that she was trying her best to ignore them, but they​ wouldn't stop.

They suddenly pushed her, making her trip on the sidewalk. She fell down and tried to stand up but she fell on her butt and clutched onto her knee that was bleeding. The 4 boys laughed and stole the bag she had with her. They opened her bag and threw all the things inside on the ground before laughing and then they ran away.

The little girl started to crawl on the ground, trying to look for something. She gave up and sat on her heels as her already blurry vision blurred even more by the tears gathering in her eyes. She heard footsteps and yelled as she thought the boys came back to do more stuff to her. "What do you want now!? My stuff is already trashed by you, there's nothing to do to me! So leave me alone already!" She didn't get any answer as she heard this person shuffled around the place and picking things off the ground.

Yoseob ignored her screams and started to gather her stuff. He put them back inside her bag and put them right next to her. He saw something shiny under a car tire and picked it up to see small wide rimmed glasses. He dusted them off and gave it to the girl. She tried to grab it, but ended up grabbing air multiple times so Yoseob grabbed her hand and put the glasses in her open palm. Yoseob watched as she put the glasses on and tried to stand. He held her hands as she struggled to her feet.

The girl was about a head shorter than the boy and had brown hair up to her shoulders. Her brown eyes were red and puffy from crying and tears were slowly going down her puffy cheeks. She looked up at the boy and saw that he had fluffy black hair that covered his eyes a little. He had puffy pale cheeks and a small button nose. He was smiling at her a little. "Are you okay now?" The boy asked as he led her to the stairs he was sitting at before. "I saw you trip from those boys before. I know those boys from school. They're in my grade and always bullies everyone."

The little girl shyly nodded her head as she looked at the cut on her knee from the fall she had. It was bleeding slightly and stung whenever she moves her knee. "I-I'm fine. It just hurts to walk a little. Thank you for helping me find my things. What your name, by the way?" The girl said as the boy say next to her.

"Yang Yoseob. What's your name?" The boy, Yoseob, asked.

"Sanha. Park Sanha." She smiled as they shook hands. "Are you going to the library?"

Yoseob nodded as he saw the librarian come up the stairs and saw her usual bookworms. She smiled but saw that the youngest of the two had a bleeding cut on her knee. She rushed to them and kneeled on the ground to see the cut. "What happened Sanha? Was it those bullies who damaged your books the last time?" The librarian turned to Yoseob and motioned for him to help Sanha up the stairs to the door. "Come on inside so I could patch you up."

While the two kids sat down on the many chairs in the library, they talked to each other about the books they have read and what the liked in anything to keep them occupied. "Hey Yoseob? Can we be friends?" Sanha asked as she looked at the boy.

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