Pretty U

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When Sanha left to make some food and coffee, her boss said that she could have her break. So she made herself some food and coffee also. She went back to the man's table and gave him his food with a smile on her face. "Since I left so quick, I forgot to ask you what you wanted to eat or the coffee you'd like to drink, so I made a simple grilled sandwich and caramel coffee. I hope you like it," Sanha said as she say down across from him.

The man took a bite out of the sandwich and gave her a thumbs up as a compliment. He chewed and swallowed before he said, "This is good. Thanks for the food," He looked at the name tag and smiled softly, "Sanha. You have a nice name." He looked calm, but on the inside he was screaming, she really is my long time friend! I gotta keep my cool though, she'll freak out if I, a total stranger to her, all of a sudden hugs her out of nowhere. But how do I make her think it's me?

"Oh, um... Thank you, sir. I don't get that much compliments," Sanha blushed. "Again, thank you for saving me from that perv. I was starting to think he'd do something to me."

"It's fine. Don't need to thank me too much. I don't like it when men treat women this way anyway." The man said as he looked at her necklace, finally having the perfect plan to make her remember him. "That's a nice necklace you got there Sanha. Can I see please see it more closely?"

Sanha nodded and leaned across the table so he could see it more clearly. She watched at him as he took the pendant in his hand and turned it over. She saw him reach the initials in the back and saw his eyes water slightly. Why is he sad? Sanha thought as she watched him wipe his eyes a little. "What do the initials stand for?"

Sanha shrugged as she leaned back into her chair. "Just someone really important to me."

Yoseob nodded, acting innocent. "What is this person? Family member? Friend?" Yoseob questioned her to make it seem like he was curious. "Was this person your boyfriend?"

Sanha shook her head vigorously as her eyes rounded and her cheeks grew a red blush. "No, I have no boyfriend. He was actually my best friend that I left in my home country years ago. He gave this to me and told me to never take it off."

"When did this happen? You must miss him a lot," Yoseob said, smirking internally when his plan started to come into action. "Where did you come from actually?"

"South Korea. I moved to the states 20 years ago because of my parents. And yeah, I miss my friend a lot. I don't even know what he looks like," Sanha said as she felt tears well up on her eyes. She wiped at her eye a little and shook her head to get her depressing thought out.

Yoseob looked at Sanha as he tried to not go to get up and hug her, saying that he was right there. If he did, he'd blow his cover of trying to surprise her. "I'm sure your friend misses you a lot. And who know, he probably gave you that necklace so you wouldn't forget him. So you know that your never alone," Yoseob's voice grew quiet as he started to play with his necklace, remembering the word ingraved in it. "That even though, he's far away, your never alone, because you have something from him that will always be with you."

Sanaa cried silently at the words that came out of the man's mouth. It was the same word ingraved on my necklace,Sanha thought. She stopped crying as she grew curious about something. How does this stranger know that quote? From what I know, the quote was an original motto my family only tells closer friends. The only people who should know that quote, is my family and friends. "How do you know that quote?"

Yoseob shrugged as he played dumb. "I have a necklace with the same exact quote on it. A friend gave it to me before she left."

Sanha's eyes widened as she watched him reach into his shirt to pull out a familiar necklace. The three braided chains, the black heart pendant, my initials. But, the only one who had this necklace is Yoseob. Unless, this man is Yoseob! "Yoseob?" Sanha asked quietly, unsure if the man sitting right before her was in fact her best friend.

Yoseob's eyes watered as he finally saw that she remembered him. "Yes Sanha?" Yoseob watched as she stood up from her chair. Yoseob got to his feet as she jumped into his arms. He heard her cry softly as she wrapped her arms around his neck and cried on his shoulder.

"You pabo! Why didn't you tell me who you were?" Sanha started hitting him lightly. She laughed through her tears as her best friend tried to stop her hands from hitting his face.

"I didn't tell you because I wanted to see you reaction to when you finally find out who I am. And it was worth you hitting me," Yoseob said as he tried her hands in his bigger one's to stop her from hitting him anymore. He hugged her again and walked his arms around her waist. "I missed you so much. I thought I would never see you again." He pulled away and looked at her face. He put his hands on her cheeks and squeezed them. "You look so pretty now. And I see you still have these glasses." Yoseob pulled away completely and watched as Sanha looked at him with the biggest smile he has seen all day.

Sanha looked at him from head to toe. "Eh, you could've looked better. But I guess this will have to do," Sanha teased him. He is actually really handsome, Sanha thought as she looked at him through her hair. Yoseob's black hair contrasted with his page skin perfectly. His face was flawless and the skin looked soft. When she huffed him, it felt like she was hugging a rock. She could feel the muscle he had on his back and stomach. She didn't want to admit it, but this new Yoseob was pretty hot.

Yoseob rolled his eyes as he flicked her forehead. He watched her as she rubbed her sore forehead. He looked get from head to toe and had the same thoughts that she had of him. Her dark brown hair was wavy and went to the middle of her back. She had a subtle tan but she would still be counted as pale compared to other people. Yoseob's eyes went to her hips, and he couldn't help but drool a little. Her work uniform was tight and he could see that her hips were bigger than the rest of her body. He wasn't calling her fat, it's just that she had that hourglass figure many girls would get only with surgery. Her stomach was a little small, but not as small as the girls in Korea. Her thighs and hips were big and perfect for holding. The skirt she wore was black and went to her knees, which made her legs look longer than they are. Her chest looked amazing through her uniform. She's beautiful. And so sexy~ those thighs though. I wonder what it still look like wrapped around my head as I eat her--, Yoseob shook his head to get these dirty thoughts out. I shouldn't be thinking of her like this. She is your bestest friend. And nothing more.

"Anyway, what are you doing in America, Yoseob?" Sanha asked as she sat back down.

Yoseob shrugged and said, "I actually don't know. My mana-- I meant my boss told me to take a vacation. I don't know why it's so sudden though. How about you? How is the Americans treating you?"

"Their fine. When I first got her, I didn't have that much friends. But now, my co-workers are really friendly towards me and I have some friends. They aren't as good of a friend as you though. My boss at the book company I work at likes me a lot." Sanha played with her hair as she talked about her life in the US. She said that most of her life here was boring and uneventful. So she didn't like it here? I don't know wether to be sad or happy? Sad because she doesn't like it here. Out happy because​ she likes Korea better, Yoseob thought as he listened to Sanha.

"Later on, can I meet some of your friends Sanha?" Yoseob asked while theye started to finish their food. "I want to know what they want with you."

"Umm, sure I guess. My shift ended in around," Sanha looked at her phone to see the time, "Two hours. So what are you going to do for two hours?"

Yoseob shrugged and began to look around. "I'm probably going to just hang around here. Maybe walk around the mall, I don't know." Yoseob started to make hand motions for Sanha to start working. "The sooner you finish your work, the sooner I can make some new friends."

"Yeah yeah. You better behave yourself while​ I'm gone. Or else your dead," Sanha said as she walked away. Sanha began to work and was unaware of Yoseob watching her every move. He stayed inside the shop, watching Sanha work. He watched as she cleaned tables, took orders, talked​ with the workers. He just didn't want to take his eyes off her. I can't believe I have my best friend back, Yoseob thought as he put his chin on his hand and rested his head on the table. He fell asleep on the table when it started to get boring waiting for Sanha. My Sanha is back, Yoseob chanted in his head as he smiled in his sleep.

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