A whole new world

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A/n: the title cringes me but, it fits what will happen in this chapter.

Present day

It's been twenty years since Yoseob saw Sanha leave. At the time, he was only 7 years old, but he had clear memories of all the fun times him and his best friend had when they were younger. Just like he promised to his mom, he had always had a smile on his face- even though he didn't feel happy at all or felt depressed. Yoseob became a successful vocalist in a boy group called Highlight and was the middle member of the five of them. He still always wore Sanha's necklace. And it seems that rumored started to spread as his fans have seen him wear it everytime he goes out.

In fact, today he was on his phone, reading an article about this.

'Fans of Highlight have ended to notice something similar about every photo they see of their fellow member, Yang Yoseob. Photos of Yoseob at different event, photoshoots and even before debut show him wearing the same exact necklace everywhere. When looked at closely, it seemed to have three braided silver chains and a black heart pendant. Looking at the pendant closely, fans have noticed the pendant had the initials P.S. When Yoseob was asked by the reporters, he said:
"I got this from an old friend. She was moving to the US because her father for a job there. When she left, she gave me her previous necklace. She told me that it was so that it reminds me that I'm never alone, and that she's always with me."
When asked of the girls name, Yoseob said:
"I'm not telling her surname, but I'll tell you that her first name is Sanha. Now, can I please go out and eat some some ramen without being bothered by you reporters!?"

Yoseob logged out of the site as he rolled his eyes and continued to eat breakfast alone. The other members were called up by their manager but told Yoseob that he wasn't allowed to go with them. They were up there for an hour already and he started to get more and suspicious. He was about to walk up to the for to see what the guys were doing, when they came back with their manager and Yoseob's stylist, who had her hair supplies with her. They all had mischievous smile on their faces as they walked into the room.

"What's up guys? What did you guys talk about that didn't involve me?" Yoseob asked as he shrank into his chair as they walked to him.

"Okay boys, you know what to do," Their manager said before the boys jumped to Yoseob's side and held him down.

"Yah! What are you guys doing!? Let go of me!" Yoseob yelled as he struggled to get out of their grips.

"Hyung, would you just hold still. We promise that we're not going to hurt you!" The youngest of them, Dongwoon, said as he held his hands down. They all felt Yoseob relaxed a little and loosened their grips a little, but only to the extent to where they won't bruise his wrists. They motioned for Yoseob's stylist to go forward.

She went in front of him and said, "your manager want you to get your hair color changed." She started to feel his fluffy and soft blonde hair before opening her bag and taking out black hair color. She started to put the smelly stuff inside his hair while Yoseob's manager talked, giving out orders to the others.

"Dongwoon, you go in today's room and get a suitcase and backpack and fill them up with Yoseob's assentials. Make sure to put his charger and walked inside his backpack," Manager hyung turned to the the leader of the boy group, "Go down to the parking lot and get the car ready. I'm driving him there." Yoseob was about to speak when his manager turned to him. "Don't ask questions and trust your hyung."

Yoseob's stillest took him to the bathroom to wash the residue of the hair coloring out of his hair and used a hair dryer to see his hair. His hair as now back to it's normal black color instead of the bleached blonde hair he had awhile ago. They walked back out and the stylist made him wear a blue snapback and a black mask to cover his nose and mouth. Dongwoon came back from another room holding a backpack and dragging a suitcase behind him. He gave the backpack to Yoseob and helped him out it on his shoulders. "Don't worry hyung," Dongwoon said as he gave him a quick hug. "This doesn't mean your leaving for a long time. We're just giving you a... Well deserved vacation." Dongwoon smiled and sent Yoseob on his way.

Yoseob and his manager head down to their parking lot, where they found Yoseob's band leader and friend waiting by their car. He smiled softly at Yoseob and patted him on the shoulder as he walked away. They went inside the car and Yoseob's manager started to drive them somewhere. They got to the entrance to the airport and Yoseob looked surprised as his manager dragged his suitcase out and dragged him through the security and went to a private area where first class waited at.

"Hyung, where are you sending me? Why are you sending me somewhere?" Yoseob finally asked as he didn't with his necklace out of nervousness.

His manager smiled softly as he watched Yoseob play with his necklace. He always noticed how Yoseob would fidget with his necklace whenever he's nervous. "First, the place is a surprise. And second, I'm sending you because it's a surprise also." He put his arm around his shoulder, hugging his side. "I'll see you in a couple months, okay? You'll thank me later for this!" Manager hyung quickly left, leaving a sad and confused male behind as he waited for the gates to open so he could file into the plane.

Why is manager hyung sending me somewhere? Did I do something wrong? Where an I going? Yoseob thought as the gates opened and he handed the flight attendant outside the gate, the ticket his manager gave to him before leaving. Yoseob went inside the plane and found a line satay near the door that lead them off the plane once they would land. Yoseob out his bags away and stared outside the window as the plane started to take off. He watched as the ground disappeared and he looked at the clouds that were around the plane. He leaned on the window as his overly confused brain started to relax as he grew tired from thinking too much. He soon feel asleep and stayed asleep for the whole ride. The only time he woke up was when the pilot announced that they were going to land soon.

Once they landed, Yoseob got out Forest and found out he was somewhere in the US, by the looks of the people and land. He got out of the airport and waited on the side of the road for a taxi. When none came, he decided to walk around a bit to see what state he was on. He passed by the shops that were near the airport and saw that most of them were souvenir shops. They sold shirts that said 'I heart Arizona' on them. So I'm in Arizona, but why? Yoseob wondered as he passed by the shops. He saw a taxi pass by and quickly called it to get him a ride.

"Where to man?" The driver said as he looked at Yoseob through the rearview mirror.

"Um... I don't know actually," Yoseob said in the best English he could do. "Just take me to a good restaurant that you'd recommend to a tourist like me."

"Sure man," the driver said before he started to drive into the city. They came to a stop after a few minutes next to a mall that was outdoors and wasn't too busy or big. Yoseob paid the driver and started to walk around the mall, looking at the different stores and food places it had. He can't up to a small coffee shop that sells pastries and desserts. He looked at the time to see that it was around noon and just went inside there to get a drink and some snacks.

When he went inside, he was greeted by the smell of coffee and saw that the shop was small and was dimly lit. There wasn't much people there but there was only a couple workers today. He was about to step into the line to order something when he heard a girl tell at someone.

"Sir, please let go of me! This is really inappropriate!" A young worker said as she was being forced to sit on his lap. He's clearly a pervert for touching someone younger than him, Yoseob thought as he watched this happen. He didn't know what happened or what to do so he simply watched until he know the right time to interfere.

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