It's not fine

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Earlier that same day

"That was a good project. Great job, like always Sanha. You should really publish your stuff sometimes!" The nice woman quickly gave the younger girl, Sanha, her binder back. It was filled with the pages of her latest book, which was to see how her writing style was like and how much she has improved.

Sanha smiled shyly and grabbed her binder back. She adjusted her glasses a little and bowed. "Thank you for the good feedback, Ms. Kang. I really appreciate it. I should go though. I don't want to keep my other manager waiting." Sanha bowed for the last time and left her manager's office. She put her binder on her desk in her office and started to lock her office as she was going to leave for her other job.

Park Sanha has been having a fine, quiet life. There was barely anything wrong in her life, she made quick friends, had a good paying job and works at a nice small coffee shop in the mall while she's working to become a successful author. But the problem she has, is that she misses Korea. She misses her true friend, Yoseob. She hardly knows​ what's happening in her home country. She finds her life boring and bland without some kind of excitement. And the only way she seemed to have an exciting life, was when she was with Yoseob. Sanha misses him dearly, she doesn't even know what he looks like. She doesn't know what he does for a living. She doesn't know is he has a family of his own. She doesn't know about anything that happened in Korea. It's like, once she left Korea, her parents forced her to abandon her Korean culture.

She sighed as she fiddled with her necklace as she drove from her job at the book company, to the mall where she works at a coffee shop. The shop was small and people would normally go to places like Starbucks or Duncan's Donuts for their coffee. The people who do go to the shop, are most likely people who complain about how Starbucks is busy. Then they'd try the homemade pastries and coffees at Sanha's place and would come back a lot.

When she got to the shop, she could see that it would be more busy by the look of the line to the cashier. Sanha walked inside and went behind the counter to change into her work uniform. It was a simple T-shirt that had the coffee shop logo on it and she needed to wear a apron over it. She kept on her flowy black skirt that reached her knees. She tied her dark brown hair up and came out from the bathroom in the back and started to help the shop.

"Ms. Park, the manager wants you to serve the plates out today," Sanha's co-worker, Tyler, said.

"Okay," Sanha said as she started to grab plates to give to the people eating inside.

She continued giving out plates until she needed to take orders to the customers that was staying to eat inside. The shop system was quite weird compared to other coffee shops. The workers would know who's eating inside and who's taking their food to go by looking at the placement in the shop. If someone sits at a table and looks at a menu, they are eating inside, and if someone is in line, their taking their food out.

Sanha walked to a table with a young man on it. When she got to the table to take his order, she could see that he was clearly looking at her boobs, that looked big because her uniform shirt was tight. Sanha cleared her throat uncomfortably and said, "What would you like to offer, sir?"

"You. I'd like to order you," the man said, clearly flirting with her. "I'm kidding, although, of you are on the menu... I'd buy you in a heartbeat. I'll order a chocolate and caramel frappe, grilled breakfast sandwich with a side of hash browns."

"Okay. Your order shall be ready in a few minutes. I will be right back to give you your order," Sanha said as walked away. She yelped and jumped a couple feet in the air when the man slapped her butt. She heard him laugh before he told her to make his food.

"The quicker you make the food, the faster I get to see you," the man said as Sanha walked away.

Sanha gave the order out and the chef made it a lot quicker than usual. She tried walking as slow as possible to his table, but her manager told her to deliver the food quicker. Sha sighed as she walked at her normal pace to the man's table.

"Yes!! My food is finally ready!" The man yelled out as he grabbed the food. He was about to start eating but turned to Sanha, who was about to walk away. "Wait!" She stopped and went back to his table to see if something was wrong. She shouldn't have turned back, because the man grabbed her by the waist and made her sit on his lap. "Ah, that's better."

"Sir, please let me go! This is really inappropriate!" Sanha yelled as she tried to scramble off his lap. The man's grip on her waist tightened to the point where it hurt and would surely leave a bruise there. "Sir, stop! Your starting to hurt me." Sanha wimpered as the man slapped her thigh real hard, that it left a big, red handprint there.

"Would you shut up? I'm trying to eat here," the man dropped his food back on the plate and used his free hand to touch her waist and stomach. "Damn, you are so sexy." The man started to shift under her and something hard brushed against Sanha's butt.

"Let go of me, sir. Please." Sanha begged as the man began to grind against her butt from under her. The man was so absorbed in grinding against her, that Sanha managed to grab his frappe, before pouring the drink over his head. The man let go of her and push her off of him roughly. Sanha landed on her butt, hard and her glasses came off of her. Through her blurry vision, she tried to scramble away from the man to find her glasses but he pulled her by her ankle towards him.

"Oh, you are not going anywhere!" The man yelled out as he drew his fist down and was about to punch her. Sanha flinched and waited for the impact but none came. She heard the man yell and heard someone else yell back. She heard running and has come to the conclusion that the man who harassed her, went away.

Through her blurry vision, she saw an outline of someone ​squat down in front of her. "Are you okay, miss?" She heard the person say. It was male, and she could tell that he was not American. His voice was soft and soothing, and she could hear the concern in his voice.

"I-I'm f-fine. Just a little shaken up, that's all. Can you find my glasses, I lost them when the man pushed me down?" Sanaa started to touch the ground, trying to find it herself.

"Okay. I think I see it already," the kind man said. She saw a blurry hand holding something and tried to grab it. She ended up grabbing air and she heard the man laugh softly, before he grabbed her hand and put the glasses in her open palm. Hmm, just like Yoseob, Sanha thought as she smiled at the memory and put her glasses on. She took the hand still in front of her and stood up, with the help of the man who found her glasses.

She looked at the man and saw that he was smiling at her. He had fluffy black hair and dark brown eyes. He was pale and had a snapback on. His smile was cute and reached his eyes.

"W-why are you staring at me like that?" Sanha asked as the male was still staring at her with a faint smile on his face.

The man shrugged and said, "You just remind me of someone. Anyway, are you sure your okay?" Sanaa nodded and the male visibly relaxed. "Good, since I was about to hunt that guy down. I don't like it when men do this to women."

"It's fine. Anyway, thank you. For helping me with that guy," Sanha bowed in thanks, "How can I repay you?"

"Hmm, how about to a cup of coffee and some food? I had a long day and am in great need of coffee." The man said as he smiled at her and fiddled with something under his shirt.

"Sure. Just sit at one of the tables and I'll be out in a minute." Sanha said and fiddled with her necklace. She saw the man look at her necklace and saw his mouth open and a gasp escape, surprise all over his face. Before he could speak, she left and went behind the counter to make the coffee. The man didn't have time to look at the menu and hoped that the girl didn't get something that tasted gross. But the necklace. It's the same necklace I gave Sanha when she left. It had the same design and chain. I need to make sure that the back has my initials. If not, then at least I can have a friend here, the man thought as he fiddled with his necklace. She looked like Sanha too, but older. The girl had the same glasses that Sanha wear. If she is infact Sanha, I need her to remember me, but how?

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