Running off.

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"Nice going nerds. She's probably heart broken now." I hiss to them while Rory is still in his fantasy.

"Why is she?" Benny asks which earns a smack from Ethan.

"She likes him, you idiot!" He hisses and makes sure Rory didn't hear.

"Should I not have given the note to him then?" Benny asks stupidly.

"What would have made this better is if you would have told us your little scheme! She wouldn't feel betrayed if she had known it was you! You broke her heart Benny, you better fix this, before Tony gets a whiff." I growl, holding him by the collar.

"Okay!" He yelps and I set him down. He runs to find Charly.

"I hope she's okay..." I whisper beside Ethan.

Charley's POV.

I ran. I ran from school. I ran from Benny's betrayal. I ran from Rory's idiocy. I ran from my safe haven.(JJ helps control her emotions and whatnot) I felt the tears slide down my cheeks as I collapse against a tree in the park. I hear running footsteps and look up to see a panting Benny.

"Go away." I sob out.

"I... Didn't... Know you liked him.... I'm sorry." He pants out sitting by me. He gives me a side hug and I wrap my arms around his torso and cry. "Jeez, it's just like when we were kids... I always had to comfort you when you cried, Ethan usually didn't care if you were sad, he only seemed to care when you were mad at him."

"Thank you Benny..." I whisper into his shoulder and just stay like this. I feel Tony's presence and unfurl my winds. We fly up into the sky and I just make us stay in a single place while I calm down against Benny. "Thank you so much Benny..."

"No problem, but why are we in the sky?" He asks, looking around with his arms secured over my shoulders and mine around his torso still.

"I felt Tony's presence down where we were..." I whisper, we fly back home and I go to bed.

Couple hours later(it's now midnight in the story)

I awoke and didn't see JJ in the room. I heard rocks being thrown at my window and walked to it. I had a balcony so I walked onto it and saw Rory on the ground, holding a rock and getting ready to throw it. I wave down at him and he flies up by the balcony.

"Can I come in?" He asks.

"Why?" I ask skeptical, and I didn't really want to see him right now.

"I just wanted to hang out I guess?" He says, shrugging a bit in the air.

"Sure, come on in." I whisper and he lands on my balcony, he walks inside my room with me.

"So what's up?" He asks.

"Nothing except it's midnight." I smile at him. He looks around and sees something on my desk. He picks it up and examines it. "I forgot to throw that out."

"Why would you throw it out?" He asks. It was of me and JJ along with Tony at the water park.

"I don't want a reminder of Tony right now. I want to just... Hey? Do you mind going on a flight with me?" I ask shyly, he nods and takes my hand.

"Hold on tight, okay?" He says, walking back to the balcony. I laugh.

"Rory, I can fly. You know that right?" I whisper to him as he starts to float and pull me up with him.

"Oh- right." Rory says and gets a bit of red on his cheeks and I thought it's cute. I unfurl my wings and fly up to him. He flies behind me and examines my wings. "There so... Beautiful... So what are you if you have these?"

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