Full Moons suck. (Part 1)

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(The lighter one is Charly.)

Rory's POV.

After we cured Ethan, and discovered that David was a dog, not a wolf, me and Erica left Ethan's house. Sarah stayed behind to help clean up David's party. Me and Erica were flying above the park when we heard two howls, and then growling. We look down and see two red wolves fighting each other. One was lighter, and smaller than the other one, this one still looked like a full grown female though. The bigger of the two was a darker red, and looked like a full grown alpha male. We landed a little away from them and I saw them stop fighting. The female's ears perked at the sound of twigs snapping under me. The female rushed to me and got in a playing position, while the male growled at me before seeing Erica, then the male was sitting beside her, rubbing his head on her leg for attention. The female nipped my hand since I was looking at the male.

"What is it girl?" I ask, kneeling down to her hieght.

I sat on the ground as she ran off and came back with a stick and rope. She dropped the stick and held the rope for me to grab. I did so and she started pulling. She'd shake her head to loosen my grip, but that failed. We played tug-a-war before the male took the stick she dropped. He took it to Erica and dropped it at her feet. She gracefully sat down on a bench, not far from us, and threw the stick. Both wolves ran after it and they each held a side of the stick in their jaws. They dropped it off at Erica before the female ran back to me and we played again.

"I wonder what their names are? Or if they have owners?" Erica asks as she rubs the male behind his ear. "They are so cute, especially him."

"Yeah... Don't they look familiar though?" I ask her, walking and sitting next to her, looking at both of the wolves as they play fight again. The male reminded me of Raph, and the female reminded me of Charly.

"They do, don't they?" Erica muses before I hear the bushes rustle, the male growling and standing protectively in front of Erica and the female. Out of the bushes come JJ, Ethan, Benny and Sarah.

"Hey guys-" JJ stops as she sees the wolves. She freezes and we all watch her curiously as she backs away slowly from the wolves. "U-uh... Ben? E? Sarah? I want you three... To back away slowly, with your arms raised in surrender..."

"Why do you need to do that?" I ask, rubbing the female wolf's neck. She stands tensely beside me as she snarls at the four of them.

"U-uh... Rory, Erica... How did you find these two wolves?" JJ asks calmly, Benny, Ethan and Sarah following her advice.

"Oh, we were flying over the park and heard two howls and then growling. We went to investigate and saw these two play fighting. Once they heard us, they ran to us and played tug-a-war and fetch with us." Erica says boredly. "Why?"

"Well... Don't they look... Familiar?" JJ asks, trying to give us a hint.

"Yeah?" I ask, not getting what she's trying to say.

"Erica, who do you wanna date?" JJ asks, straining her voice, trying not to sound annoyed.

"A werewolf, why-" Erica cuts herself off in shock. "These two are werewolves?!" She squeals. "Yay!" She runs and hugs the male who stops growling, but is still tense and staring at the four, who stand still.

"Wait... Who are they?" Sarah asks, finally getting the point. I still don't understand.

"Rory... Tell us who you think... They remind you of..." JJ says, obviously concerned. I rub the female's side and she glances at me before growling as Benny tries to get closer.

"Benny, stay completely still." Ethan warns.

"Well, the male kinda reminds me of Raphael. While she reminds me of Charly, kinda." I say, looking at the male before petting the female to calm her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2017 ⏰

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