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Ethan's POV.

"Congrats on keeping your pants on." Sarah tells me after school. Charly smelled the air and growled a bit, but I shrugged.

"Yeah, about that... I have this ghost gym coach after me. He lives to humiliate nerds." I tell her.

"Oh no. Nerds being humiliated? In school? Oh, my goodness." Sarah says sarcastically.

"Didn't you hear me? This is a ghost- an evil spirit." I repeat.

"I hear, but it's a ghost. I can't punch, kick, or bite it." She says, irritatedly numbering it off on her fingers. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm busy."

"Oh, okay, well, I just thought-" I stop myself when I see where she's walking off to.

"That girl's way out of your league." Ed says from beside me, with a hat on this time. I look around for Charly but she's disappeared. Great, I have to deal with Ed on my own... "Now him on the other hand, that's more her speed."

"I can't believe it. What would anyone see in that guy?" I ask, then Kurt rips his shirt. "Besides that I mean."

"Kurt 'The Hurt' Lockner." Benny whistles after coming up to me with Rory. "Conway Collegiate's three-time city wrestling champ."

"See now that guy is a guy's guy." Ed says, gesturing to Kurt. "If I was coaching you, I'd turn you into him. Or at least into, uh, less of you."

"Nice Ed. Real nice." I hear Charly comment from behind us. I turn and see she's holding her arm protectively. I look at her worriedly but she only smiles.

"Forget it, okay? I can't help you." I give up and walk to Charly and help her home.

"Sorry, I left you to deal with Ed, alone. I just felt another presence near, and he wouldn't be very... Friendly around you and the other nerds." Charly says as she holds her arm to her.

"What happened?" I ask as I help her walk.

"Let's say we fought over territories." She shrugged. "It'll be healed by tonight, I'm sure of it." We walk inside and she heads to her room while I go to mine and search up Ed.

"So tell me something. What exactly is this inner tube, uh, web, uh, net?" Ed asks. "It's a bunch of tubes, right?"

"It's a global network of computers and data servers." I start. "It can take you anywhere in the world to find any information you want."

"Mmm. We had something like that back in my day. We called it 'shoes'. They'd take you places to speak to people face to face. But enough of this. You wanna win me a trophy or not?" He lectures. Then Benny, Charly and JJ come into my room.

"Hey, Benny, JJ. Any luck?" I ask the two magic casters.(ones a witch while the other is a dorky spell master)

"Oh yeah. Here, take this." Benny says, handing me a camera while him and JJ get ready. Charly comes and puts her uninsured arm on my shoulder. "We are gonna get the first ever ghost-splosion captured on camera."

"Where is he?" JJ asks, Charly looks at her arm in pain.

"Uh, he's right there." I point to where Ed is standing by my window and telescope.

"Galga deselphador... Zek recantor..." Benny and JJ start to say.

"Woah, cut it out, Sugar McVersey. I'm warning you." Ed warns Benny and JJ.

"... zoolin maphrak!" They finish and zap Ed with some lightning or something. Ed starts to growl.

"So you wanna play hardball, huh, boy?" Ed says, his hair smoking. He then used ghost powers to make the action figures on my shelf move off.

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