Chapter 6

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I woke up with a painful headache and my sides ache.

I decided to go to school today.i put on and pair of leggings a top and a jumper. I used some makeup to hard the bruises.

I've decided not to talked to Dylan anymore , I knew it's not his fault but it seems that I'm getting more in trouble and worse punishments by working with him.

I walked into school and ignoring the

Disapproval looks as usual , Dylan caught my eye and I saw him walked towards me . I walked a different way and began running . I need to let off some steam ,so I ran to the place I go to dance.

The place I go to is like an abandoned class room, no one uses it anymore , it as an old mirror a across the room.

And there's my iPod I left here so mike won't find it.

I turn on the music and started moving with it.

It was about 30minutes later I was breathing heavily when I heard clapping , I turned to see Dylan standing there with a smirk

"Your a really good dancer" he said

"Thanks" I mumbled

"Liberty , are you afraid of me?" he asked

To be honest  dylans not the im scared of. I'm afraid that mike will finds out .

"No" I said

"Liberty how did you get all these bruises " I looked down and realised I haven't got my jumper on and all my body bruises where visible.

I didn't know what to say.

"Liberty is anyone hurting you?" he asked

I couldn't take it anymore and I broke down . tears where falling down uncontrollable. and for the first time i didn't see coldness and hate in Dylan eyes. his cold look soften as he look at me with concern.

"Liberty who is it ?"

I looked him in the eye and decided to do the first thing that came to mind. I ran out I the classroom out of the school and all the way home.

I opened door and was breathing heavily.

"Liberty what you doing back so early"

Mike called out

I panic and tried to think of a lie , but it was no use .

"I'm - Dylan knows" I rushed out

Mike faced me eyes wide

"What did you say?" he said full of anger

"Dylan found out" I mumbled.

"You crazy bitch, look what you've look what you've done" he snapped

you could see the panic in his eyes.

"What we going to do now , I'm going to have to kill him" he yelled

"No!" I yelled back

Mike faced ran towards me. grabbing my by the hair.

"This is your fault" he growled


When liberty ignored me lately I knew something was up, so I decided to follow her.

Stalkerish . I know but ever since I met her I've had this weird feeling about her like she needed my help or something.

I followed her Into an old classroom thats on the old side of the school. she looked around and pulled out a old iPod and music started playing.

I watch as her body moved and I was memorised , she danced so good it was unbelievable.i continued to watch her in awe.

She threw her jacket off and I noticed bruises , i knew those type of bruises someone's hurting her and I think I knew who.

I started clapping when she finished.

She looked over towards me

Your a really good dancer" I said

"Thanks" She mumbled

I could sense she was feeling uneasy so I asked"Liberty , are you afraid of me?"

"No" she said

"Liberty how did you get all these bruises " She looked down

She didn't say anything

"Liberty is anyone hurting you?" I questioned

Next then I knew she burst into tears and ran away.

I ran after her , getting to my car i drove to hers. parking my car near hers i ran out.

reaching her front yard I saw her front door slyly open. entering inside i heard a soft cry 

what i saw next made my blood boil 

I walked to the living room to so her older brother holding her up by the neck .

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