Chapter 7

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It took me a few seconds to realise what was happen, I dashed for her brother , grabbing him off her , liberty fell back I watched her eyes roll back.

Mike faced me , to say he was angry was an understatement.

All my anger started to bubble , from seeing liberty being abused sent unwanted images from my past.

Images that I have tried so hard to forget.

I gave mike a death glare.

Douchebags like him need to die they don't belong in this world.

He took the first punch at me but I easily dodged it. I grabbed his arm and twisted it , he screamed in pain but then he kicked me , I let go immediately . he punch me hard in the face making my nose bleed.

He tried to punch me again , but I grabbed his fist and punch him instead.

I kicked him in between his and he fell to the fall in pain.

I punch and punch and punch, releasing all my anger on him 

"You crazy bastard" I yelled

I kept on punching


I turn to see liberty on the floor , hair all tangled up , bruises everywhere , blood dripping from down her head.

Her eyes were closed , I rushed over to her and pick up her fragile body , I gave one more disgusted look towards her brother , walking out the house i quickly left.

I woke up and a horrible pain went through my neck and down my spine

I whimpered to myself.

"Shh it's ok" said a soft voice

I jumped and faced the women

She had pitch black Wavy hair that went to hair hip with a reddish brown eyes.

"Who are you" I asked

I looked around a notices I wasn't at home and I was in a bed.

"Where am I" I asked again

"I'm Lisa , and your in my house" she said with a warm smile , I looked at her closely , she looked familiar , like someone i already knew.

"How did I get here" my voice cracked

"My son , brought you , he witnessed your brother hurting you and brought you here" when she mentioned my brother her smile faded and was replaced by a disgusted look.

"My brother , I must be getting back other wise he'll hurt me ten time worse" I had a tear forming in my eye

"Shh don't worry , Dylan-"

"Dylan!" I cut her off

"His your son no wonder you look familiar" she chuckled

"His never brought a girl home before , Samantha told me , you came round a few days ago?" she said

"Yeah school project" I said

"Still never had he brought a girl home you're  obviously special to him?"

"No I'm not , he doesn't even like me" I argued

She just smiled and shaking her head 

The door opened and Samantha came in.

"Libby!!" she said sound excitement filled her voice.

She rushed towards me and gave be a big bear hug.

I laughed and hug her back.

"I'm so happy you ok" she said I felt a little bit of wetness on my shoulder

She was crying?

"Are you crying?" I asked

"Maybe , it's just you are so beautiful and all this bad things happen to you for no reason , you almost died i can't imagine what would have happen if Dylan wasn't there"

"Oh yeah I did to thank him"

"You can do that right now" samantha then yelled for him.

Dylan came in and looked at me instantly.

"Sam let's give these two some privacy" Lisa said

Samantha winked and got up

I felt my cheeks harden and go red

Dylan slapped his sister at the back of her head playfully.

"Ow mum Dylan just hit me" Samantha pouted at lisa 

Lisa laughed and walked out with Samantha.

Dylan looked at me and I started to feel uncomfortable under his gaze.

"Um thank you"

"For you know saving me?" I said but it came out of more a question

He gave me a small smile

"It's fine" he came and sat near me

"You know you should of told someone sooner"

"I know but , mike was my only family left I couldn't bring myself up to tell anyone"

"Mike is no family , family don't hurt each other"

"I guess you're right , what happen at with mike anyway" i asked 

" I beat him up a little but called the police , he should be lock up by now"

"Thanks you" I said again

"It's fine , honestly"

I sigh " what am I going to do now , i can't go back home because the house isn't mine , it's mikes and the money my parents left for my I don't get tell I'm 18"

"Your staying here" Dylan. Said it was more of and demand then a question

"What?" I asked

"Me and my mum have already discussed it your staying here until you get back on your own two feet"

i looked at him stunned. "i cant" i said nervously. 

"yes you can and thats final"

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