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A/N: Hi everyone and welcome to Something's End This Way Nears. Not a whole lot happens in this chapter, but it's meant to just get things started. Hope you enjoy.


That's pretty much what the future Prue Halliwell was shown is like. A wasteland with many cities on the verge of tearing themselves apart and others just plain dead. Leo, Piper, Phoebe, Paige and many others were all dead. Future Wyatt is now a vampire. What's left of Angel Investigations is under the control of Super Demon Ava. Once a candidate for Lucifer's vessel, but now his most trusted killer. And looking to stab him in the back first chance she can get with aid from Barbas, the Demon of Fear.

Prue fought alongside fellow demon killer, Dean Winchester, in a battle that brought down the Nexus and a significant portion of Lucifer's army, but not without cost. The battle destroyed all of San Francisco and separated Prue from Dean when they returned to the present. Neither having enough knowledge of the master plan to stop this threat alone. To make matters worse, Wyatt's soul was stolen from his body and used in a deadly ritual that called forth a incredible force of power. A force that now walks the Earth in the possessed body of Jo Harvelle.

Oh and there's another Super-witch now.

Angel Investigations - 2009

If there is any place in the world worse than San Francisco when it comes to supernatural activities, Los Angeles certainly takes the cake. It was much darker, came with an even bigger body count, and probably would've driven Prue and her sisters off the deep end if they hadn't already been fighting demons. Only a select few possess the will to fight back...if there was anything of the sort TO fight that is. But today, Cordelia Chase just sat at the front desk casually reading a magazine; looking up every now and then at the front door though no one came in.

"Any customers?" Angel asks descending the stairs.

"Not since you asked me five minutes ago," Cordelia says putting the magazine down.

"Come on. There has to be something. This is Los Angeles," he says.

"Can't you just accept one day when someone doesn't need our help? Don't get me wrong. I like helping people out as much as the next sidekick, but when evil decides to give you a break, I say take it. Doubt that gypsy curse is going to suddenly stop working if you aren't brooding every second."

"I actually don't know all the conditions surrounding the curse to be honest," Angel confesses and Angel breaks eye contact with her.

"Angel...I'm sorry. I didn't mean..." Cordelia doesn't finish. Her attention is caught by a faint shaking sensation. Angel feels it too and notices a glass on the table starting to shake. A high pitched wailing noise fills the entire room.

"What the Hell!?" Cordelia screams falling to the floor and clamping her hands over her ears.

The weapons cabinet shatters apart as do several windows and a few lights. Then a devastating white light engulfs the whole room, which dies out as fast as it came.

"Angel? Are you ok?" Cordelia asks; slightly blinded by the white light.

"Yeah...just fine," Angel responds crawling out from underneath cover. "Wasn't was something else entirely," he groans. Head pounding from the wailing sound.

"Is everyone all right?" Wesley asks stumbling into the main office followed by Gunn.

"We're good...sort of," Cordelia answers. "What was that?"

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