A Bit Of Guidance

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Prue and Lily lash out at one another and halt each other's blows. They separate and attack again. Lily ducks Prue's kick and kicks her in her upper chest. Prue falls back, Lily runs behind her, and delivers another kick to Prue's back; almost at the center of the spine. Prue falls to the floor, but somersaults up to a standing position.

Prue uses her power and deflects a fireball Lily sends at her; to which it goes flying into one of the basement walls. Lily retaliates her own distraction for Prue with an uppercut knocking Prue several feet away. Prue makes a hard landing, but jumps back up. Lily attacks, but Prue backhands her, then restrains her from behind.

"Give up?" Prue asks.

"Never," Lily defies and rams the back of her head into Prue's face.

Prue staggers back, but stops Lily's next punch and sends her back a few feet away. She quickly astral projects over Lily and puts her hand around Lily's neck.. "You lose," she says.

"Oh come on," Lily says as Prue astral projects back to her body. "I could've gotten out of that situation," she complains; Prue helping her to her feet.

"If this were a real combat scenario most bad guys don't pass up a chance to break someone's neck. Unless they're the egotistical 'I have to drag this out for as long as possible' kind of villain, which I've sadly dealt with on more than one occasion," Prue says while trying to catch her breath.

"Ok, I've been a little off my game since coming here from the future, but I'm good at being a Super-witch. You saw me at some of my best when I fought those Hell Hounds."

"If that was your best then we're all doomed," Prue jokes. Lily rolls her eyes at her.

"Hi guys. How's the work out going?" Phoebe asks entering the basement/training area.

"Just fine," Prue answers; still looking more tired than usual. "How's your search going?"

Phoebe gives Prue an apologetic look. "I'm sorry Prue. Paige and I keep trying, but we can't find any trace of Dean anywhere on Earth. We keep this up any longer and we'll run out of world maps to burn looking for him. You may have to face the fact that he didn't make it out of the Earthquake."

"But the angels wouldn't let him die...would they?" Prue thinks out loud.

"From what you told me he said about the angels, maybe they would. Even if he was alive, what good could one human do?...not that I mean that humans can't help. After all we used to be just humans...and look at Christy. Where would we be without her-"

"Calm down Phoebe," Prue cuts off. "I can't explain it, but I just have a feeling he's still alive. I don't know why. I just have-"

"Faith?" Phoebe guesses.

"I was going to say 'hope' actually," Prue quips.

One week later

If only Prue knew the real reason why Phoebe and Paige were unable to locate Dean. However, in a way, Phoebe is right about him. Because at this point he knew practically nothing new that could assist in the coming battle with the forces of Hell.

Dean finishes another cup of coffee and sets it aside on the book filled table. He, Sam, and Bobby had gone through practically half of Bobby's demon lore library and came up with little to nothing in regards to the Nexus such as: A place of immeasurable supernatural energies. Avoid at ALL costs.

They found the Super-witch too, but all they got was: A very powerful witch that fights on the side of good and resides in an unknown location. The predecessor of this particular magical line is not known and trying to locate the Super-witch is unavailing.

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