Close Isn't Close Enough

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"Ladies and...actually just ladies, this is your captain speaking. We'll be arriving at our destination shortly. Please return to your seats and buckle up," Paige announces to the group.

"Just keep your attention focused on the road, Paige," Prue remarks with a far off look on her face.

"Don't worry, Prue. We'll find out what's wrong with your powers and have you back to full strength in no time." Piper says.

"Let's just hope nothing's wrong with this Susan woman and that this 'powers fading from existence thing' is just limited to you and me," Lily says. "The last thing the world needs is for the Super-witch line to vanish."

The Hospital

"Howdy Bianca." Bianca turns her head to the door. Charles is leaning against the door frame.


Charles' lips form a sinister smile and he holds up a knife. "You've been a very bad girl."

"...what are you talking about?" Bianca asks; throat feeling dry.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Charles answers. He enters Bianca's room and lets the door slowly close behind him.

"I don't. If you'd care to enlighten me-"

"I'm not in the mood for you playing dumb!" He shouts stabbing the knife into Bianca's bed. Bianca flinches as the knife grazes part of her leg. "I don't know why you turned on Ava, but by the time I'm through with you-"

Bianca kicks Charles in the stomach and he crashes into a chair. She quickly, but carefully pulls out her I.V. wire and gets out of bed. Bianca takes two steps and her legs give out sending her to the floor.

Charles stands up and walks over to Bianca, but she kicks him in his legs, knocking him back down. Bianca crawls over to the door and grabs the knob to pull herself up. She opens the door and stumbles out into a doctor.

"Please help, he's trying to kill me," she pleads.

"I know," the doctor says and his eyes turn black.

Bianca knees him in his privates and then shoves him into her room. Bianca staggers away from the room and down the hall when several other demons cut her off at the end of it. Bianca turns to flee in the other direction, but Charles grabs her by the hair and presses his knife into her neck.

"Now where do you think you're going?" He asks.

"Out of your hands," a voice suggests. Charles turns around, knife still pressed against Bianca's neck, and sees Sam, Dean, Bobby, and Castiel standing there.

"This place is heavily guarded. How the Hell did you guys get up here without anyone noticing?" He asks, then notices Castiel. "Damn angels," he curses.

"You have something we want. Two things actually, so let Bianca go and give us your piece of the incantation," Dean orders.

"Hmmm. Let me think about it...get'em boys!" Charles shouts and the demons all rush the hunters.

Castiel charges at top speed and leaps at the demons, colliding with some and knocking them down. Castiel stands up as a demon jumps on his back, but he pulls him off and tosses him into another demon getting up. He parries a demon's punch and ducks a demon from behind him, grabs the demon by his neck and throws him down the hall while stopping another demon's punch. Another demon manages to hit part of his face hard and Castiel responds in kind just as another kicks him in the spine.

"Shouldn't we help him?" Sam asks.

"It looks like he has the situation under control," Bobby says as Castiel tosses a demon straight over their heads and he lands at Charles' feet. He looks down at the demon and Bianca elbows him in stomach making him falter on his grip.

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