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"Where is she now? Go to her then. I don't care if she's in the hospital!...don't worry about the bash brothers. It's all taken care of," Ava says into her cell phone and hangs up. She places her hands on her temples and rubs them.

"Are you sure this is necessary? Leo might not know what you desire, but he can still be a great asset," Gideon suggests.

"You're all The Elder/Whitelighter I need, Gideon," Ava says. She opens her eyes and her pupils flash yellow.

"What did you just do?" Gideon asks.

"Nothing important," she responds and then punches Leo. He starts to stir and Ava punches him again. Slowly his eyelids start to part open. "Wakey, wakey, Leo," Ava coos. Finally seeing Ava in front of him, Leo tries to run, only to realize that he's tied to a chair.

"Such a shame you don't know what I want Leo," Ava says pacing around him. "It would've saved you a lot of trouble."

"If you kill me, it will only increase Prue, Piper, Phoebe, Paige, and Billie's desire to kill you and it WON'T be pleasant. That I can assure you," Leo threatens.

"I've seen all of their righteous angers, Leo. Whatever strength it gave them still doesn't hold a candle to my power." Ava holds up a knife and stabs it down into Leo's knee.

"AHHH!" Leo yells, prompting Ava to yank the knife out and then stab it into his shoulder.

Leo bites down to keep from crying out further. Ava rolls her eyes and then punches Leo in the mouth. His head whips to the right and then hangs limp.

Gideon's eyebrows rise in surprise. "Ava? Did you just-?" Gideon is cut off by Leo spitting blood to the floor at his and Ava's feet.

"That answer your question?" Ava replies then takes Leo face in her hands. "Stay with me Leo. Torture's no fun if I don't get a chance to break you down."

"Go to Hell."

"Been there. You'd feel right at home down there as a matter of fact, Leo."

"Ava, there's really no point in this. There is more important work to be done right now," Gideon scolds her. Ava doesn't look at Gideon and walks behind Leo. Knife positioned at his neck.

"Wonder how long it would take for you to bleed out if I cut your throat. It's not as quick as it is in the movies. Pretty agonizing if you don't pass out first that is," she says pressing the knife into his neck.

Gideon rubs his own neck and sighs. "Fine Ava. You've made your point."

Something suddenly crashes through the window and sinks into Leo's chest where his heart is. Leo gasps and then his head sinks down. Ava looks up at Gideon, who shrugs his shoulders.

He takes hold of the dart in Leo's chest, but as he pulls it out, the sound of screeching tires, growing in volume, can be heard outside. Gideon and Ava dive for cover as a van crashes right through the Manor's front doors and stops inside the living room. The passenger door opens up and Nanta jumps out of the van.

"What the Hell are you doing!?" Ava shouts at her.

"Saving him," Nanta answers.

She runs over to Leo and cuts him free using her fingernails. She ducks as a sword swings at her neck and then kicks Gideon in his neck knocking him into the solarium. Ava dives at Nanta and tackles her to the floor. They crash in another part of the living room, get up at the same time, and continue to fight. Gideon quickly rejoining the fray.

As the fight continues, Kyra* rushes out of the van and over to Leo. She pulls him off the chair and drags him to the van and pulls him inside.

"How long has he been out?" The driver asks.

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