Only One Answer

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"Got any threes?" Cordelia asks.

"Go fish," Fred answers in a bored tone.

"Can we do something else to pass the time? We keep this up any longer and I might have Illyria summon up a dimensional portal to liven things up," Winifred grumbles.

"Never pegged you as someone that would try that, future me," Fred says.

"Absorbing all the experiences of a demon in an apocalyptic future when you slip back into the body you're now sharing can do that to a person," Winfred states.

"We better save the world soon because I don't want to be like you," Fred blurts out.

"You're preaching to the choir, sister," Winifred says.

"Wonder what's taking Angel and Wesley so long. They should've been back by now," Doyle says.

"Who knows. Maybe Angel and ex-cop lady have been spending all the time getting reacquainted, hopefully not too well of course, otherwise we'll have to kill him," Cordelia says.

"Angel knows how to control himself, Cordelia," Doyle assures.

"Tell that to Lillian Wyatt. Oh wait, you can't because she's dead," Cordelia says.

"Who?" Gunn asks.

"She's a friend. Well she was more of the Halliwell's than mine, until the gypsy curse anyway. Point is, she was a good person and Angelus killed her. Things were never quite the same after that and I'd rather not see a repeat here in L.A."

"I think Angel has to love the person in order for the sex to actually count as being true happiness," Doyle reminds her. "They did seem pretty close even when they were fighting-"

"Will you stop considering the worst possible scenarios! ?" Winifred snaps and slams her fist onto the table breaking part of it off. Everybody stares at her and she merely shrugs.

Fred looks at her in horror then looks over at Jo still sitting in the corner; rocking back and forth as if no one is present.

Angel. Wesley. Hurry, she pleads in her head.

Wesley's head pounds with every passing second. He tries moving his hands, but feels them bound by rope. He opens up his eyes and finds himself in a small and dimly lit room.

"Ah, Mr. Wyndam-Price. Happy to finally see you awake. Sorry about the pain you must be feeling up there," a man says then pokes Wesley's head.

"Who are you? Where am I? How did I get here?" He asks.

"You and Angel entered Bianca's shop and I quietly ambushed you. Where you are, however, is not important," the man says as Wesley's vision fully comes into focus.

"Lindsey McDonald?"

"I'd say the one and only...only I'd be lying," Future Lindsey chuckles.

"What do you want and where is Angel?" Wesley questions while trying to break free from his bindings.

"Angel is around. I wouldn't worry about him and you don't need to worry about yourself as long as you cooperate. I wouldn't want to lose any of the precious knowledge locked up in there." He pokes Wesley's head again.

"Will you just tell me what the Hell you want?" Wesley asks.


"Bless you," Wesley laughs.

"This isn't the time for jokes Mr. Pryce," Lindsey says holding a sword up to Wesley's neck.

"Now you are going to tell me everything you know about how Angel is involved in the Supersu Prophecy."

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