Gathering Of The Pawns

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A/N: For all of their future appearances, future Wesley and future
Gunn will be referred to as Wes and Charles respectively (exceptions being whenever Fred speaks to Gunn as she always calls him Charles). Also for the sake of this chapter, remember when I said Prue has heard of Angel Investigations. Well, its more than that, she and her sisters, along with Leo, Billie, and Christy have met and befriended A.I. (Your welcome!)

"You're right about one thing. You won't be leaving," Janna threatens.

"I didn't come here to fight," Bianca says.

"You might not have, but we can't simply allow you to take what you want," Polina says.

"If you wish to claim our power, you must prove your worth and given how you're only human I doubt you will be able to," Janna says.

"So be it," Bianca replies. She directs a kick at Polina, but she catches Bianca's foot and twists it, spinning Bianca in the air and sending her crashing to the rough ground. Bianca picks herself up and throws a punch at Cassandra, but she dodges and hits Bianca in the face knocking her into the path of Janna's kick, which connects with part of her temple. Bianca flies back and falls face first into the ground again; face getting partially scratched up from the impact.

She recovers, but Polina leaps at Bianca and kicks her in the mouth. Bianca staggers and the back of her head hits the cave wall. She spits out some blood and casually wipes her mouth.

"Ok. So this might be harder than I thought." Bianca charges forward, but Polina grabs her by the neck. Bianca kicks her in the chest knocking Polina back. Bianca puts a hand up to her throbbing neck, takes two steps back, and then runs for another section of the cave.

"No being of flesh and blood can be allowed to leave," an ominous and invisible voice threatens.

"I understand. But she won't get far. Not without this." Polina holds up Bianca's amulet.

Angel Investigations

"Sooooo...does anyone know this woman?" Cordelia asks pointing at Jo.

"Nope," Angel replies.

"Never seen her before in my life," Wesley answers.

"Same here," Gunn says.

"Me neither," Doyle answers.

"Can't say that I have," Winifred says.

"Neither have I," Illyria responds.

"Unfortunately no," Fred replies.

"Ok Fred. Pay up," Cordelia says to Fred. Fred sighs and pulls out her wallet.

"What are you two doing?" Winifred asks.

"I bet Fred that if another person showed up out of nowhere, none of us would know who they were," Cordelia chuckles as she collects her money. Fred sticks her tongue out at her.

Halliwell Manor

"Concentrate Paige. We can do this," Phoebe encourages as she, Paige continue to try and access the energies of the B.O.S, which sits between the two of them; joining them in the spell is their second oldest sister, Piper. They're all hoping the Power of Three can make this work. Prue, Lily, Billie, and Christy watch on at a distance as the lights in the attic start to flash on and off; doing so faster the longer the Wiccans keep up their spell.

"Come on. Come on...damn it!" Paige curses as their powers give out and the light from the B.O.S disappears.


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