The Time Of Month

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"Oh god! OH GOD!!" I shout as I start pacing between cars in the abandoned highway.

Miranda started swaying slightly and a bit sea sick. I watched as she reached into her jean pocket and held the bottle up to her mouth. I watched as her shoulders slumped, a small bead of sweat running down her temple.

"I'm sorry Miranda, I didn't mean to upset you."

"No its ok, I just got a bit overwhelmed," she explained as she wiped the thin film of sweat covering her face. I felt traitorous tears start streaming down my face. I hate how this is happening to me. First my mother, then my only sibling, and then my best friend. My only friend who I can't imagine living without.

"Why haven't you turned yet?" I ask with confusion lacing my shaking voice.

"Does it look like I know, maybe it's all the drugs I intake."

I looked at her with shock. She looked at me and her eyes suddenly go wide with realization.

"No no I didn't-" I cut her off before she could continue.

"I know what you meant- but I still wouldn't be surprised." I said with a faint smile, even in our situation.

"But no, seriously, what was it that you took because you don't look like you're turning but you're not looking normal either." I waited for a response, and after a few moments passed she doubled over and threw up. Right in front of me. I'm just glad it didn't get on my shoes because they were most likely the only shoes I was going to have for a while.

"Are you ok?" I say concerned, stepping as close as I could.

"Yeah can we just go to the car please. But I don't want Cavin what you know. You know him, he'll probably kick me out of the car and drive off, or even kill me to save his own selfish skin." I smile at her, as if she were exaggerating, but we both knew that it was true. Cavin wouldn't hesitate if it came down to his life or ours.

We shuffled back to the car, with me supporting her on me. We piled into the car, with me shoving her to one side of the car while I hop onto the other side. Cavin stares at me with a questioning look.

"What?" I ask with confusion and annoyance, "Do you want to suddenly learn how to use a tampon or are you just looking like a constipated elephant for no reason." That was harsh. Not like he doesn't deserve it though. He turns away rolling his eyes and muttering under his breath, "Jeez, women's hormones these days." I slapped him upside the head with as much force as I could muster. Miranda was smiling to my left while Cavin was rubbing the back of his head silently. He started the car and restarted the GPS on his phone for the military base.

"Here we go." Cavin whispers lightly to himself, so quiet I almost didn't catch it.

Here we go.

Woo. HERE WE GO. (Should I despise the title of the chapter?? LOL)-A

WORLD OVERRIDDENDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora