Shaky Shaky

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Someone was shaking me. I ignored it. It was shaking me again. I ignored it. Someone slapped me, I punched them. I opened my eyes to see Cavin heaving from the punch I gave him in the chest.

"What?" I asked clearly annoyed.

He looked me dead in the eyes and pointed to where Miranda was. Her pant leg was moved upwards, showing the swollen bite on her calf.

"Did you know about this?" Cavin answered in an angered tone.

"Oh come on Cavin, of course I knew. And I swear, if you try to kill her it's going to be hard when you have to deal with me first." I looked at him with the most threatening expression I could muster.

He sighed shaking his head side to side, "It's sad that you would actually think I would do that. You guys are my only friends and only company in this car. I just thought you would care to explain to me what happened before I went mad with ideas," his eyes saddened while talking. "So what will happen to her?"

"Well we know that if one gets bit by a Z, then they turn into a Z. But she isn't turning. She should have turned a long time ago, not long after she got bit. Maybe it's her cold that is complicated the transformation."

Cavin looked at Miranda still sleeping before saying to me, "Why is she still taking that disgusting Tylenol. I've seen her take it like every ten minutes."

"I don't know. Maybe she just likes pink fluids that taste like garbage."

"I have an idea to maybe, possibly why she hasn't changed yet. Maybe it's the Tylenol?"

I look at him like he's stupid, which he is but now more stupid than ever. He knows what I'm thinking so he says quickly, "I know it sounds stupid, but she has been taking that for forever and hasn't turned. She still looks really sick, but that might be because she is fighting the Z turning thing."

It was starting to make sense. And it's our only way from a conclusion as to why she hasn't turned yet.

"Yeah, maybe..."

"Finally" Cavin says a bit overly dramatic.

I turn back into my seat for some more rest. I hear Cavin rustling beside me, doing who knows what.

"Cavin? What are you doing?" I say with my eyes closed, not looking at him from my comfortable position.

"I'm going to try to head out and find some of that pink Tylenol for Miranda."

"What? Are you crazy? You'll get eaten alive out there." I opened my eyes saying that.

"Yeah I know. That's why I was moving so much so you would notice and give me a weapon of some sort." He winked at the word 'weapon'. He wants the gun.

"Ugh. You don't even know how to use it though. How are you going to protect yourself?"

"I saw you do it on the window Z. I'm a quick learner and anyways, the zombies are afraid of it. They won't even come near the car. They are very smart for zombie like things."

"No, Zombies don't have yellow skin and know how to talk. AND ACT."

"True True. So can I have the gun now please?" He held out his hand and tapped his foot impatiently.

I sighed and gave in, taking the gun out of my boot and handing it to him. I look at him strangely while he starts petting and baby talks to it. Saying who's daddy's boy.

"Just get out before I switch my mind and take it back."

He quickly hustles out of the car, with the gun at his side, and starts slowly walking out into the open. There were more than a dozen Zs in eye view. The Zs start backing away from him, sensing the gun in his right hand. He turns back toward me and smiles a toothy grin. Then he does the most out of character thing ever for a sixteen year old boy. He starts skipping. Not just skipping with hands at the side, but tilting his body side to side like a little girl who just got a huge lollipop. I looked away from him and slouched in my seat, trying to forget that horrid image.

Alrighty then. Cavin has totally gone mad or is just plain gay. (That comment means no offense to others that take it offensly or personaly. Just a joke that has no meaning of making fun of anyone. Except Cavin of course.) -A

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