Coming To An End

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I woke up to the moving again. I looked over to see Cavin driving silently while Miranda read a book.

"When did you start driving?" I ask Cavin who has heavy bags under his eyes.

"When I came back from the store with the Miranda's Tylenol and some extra gas I found, it was about midnight."

I look at the clock on the dashboard and saw that it was already eight in the morning.

"God Cavin, let me drive already. You're going to pass out or something."

He slowly pulled over the car and sluggishly got out. I got out of the passenger seat and switched places with him.

"We'll take turns driving so we don't get to drained." I say to myself and Cavin if he was even listening.

"Why can't I drive and only you two can?" Miranda whined softly from the backseat.

"NO," Cavin and I say at the same time.

"But why not?" I took in her currently flushed cheeks and faint sheen of sweat. "You don't even have your license yet."

"But I took it and I know how to drive."

"But you failed it six times for a reason." Cavin explained.

"You guys are unfair." Miranda pouts from behind. "You know practice makes perfect anyway..."

I started the engine back up and got back onto the road. Miranda shouted at Cavin to turn on the radio to some ancient music. Cavin does as he's told and then goes off to sleep, leaving me with Miranda lip syncing to the songs and me driving on a path that will soon come to a stop.

Cavin and I switched seats a few times. It was six a.m. the next day and we were so close to the military Z-free zone.

"We're about an hour away till we're in Odessa." Cavin stated.

"Do you want me to drive for a while?"

"No, but could you change Miranda's bandage. I've been doing it for a while but I can't right now and it needs to be changed very couple of hours."

I reach into the back, seeing Miranda asleep peacefully, and rolled her pant leg up. I took the bandage off, trying not to wake Miranda in her deep sleep. The wound would obviously leave a scar, but it looked like it was healing pretty efficiently, oddly enough.

"Does she know that you are the one changing her bandages?"

"No she hasn't said anything to me, so she doesn't know that I know that she was bitten." He watched in the mirror as I continued to dress the wound, then turned back to face the road.

"I just want to get to Odessa and sleep on an actual bed. What about you?"

"I want to find my family and see if they actually made it," Cavin replied with a sad expression weighing down his mood. I don't say anything, for there was nothing to be said. I just looked out the window and listened to the song softly playing in the background in my head. I unexpectedly fell asleep.

Miranda shook me awake.

"We're here." I look at the surroundings and see a fifteen-foot fence in front of me. Or me in front of it. I walked out of the car and stood next to Miranda. She was swaying a little bit and trying not to put her weight on her injured leg. I put her arm around my shoulder and my arm around her back to help her support her weight.

"God Miranda, what do you eat? Rocks?"

"Wow. Thanks. You just boosted my self esteem." She said with sarcasm lacing her tired voice.

I looked over at Cavin standing at the side of the car staring at the fence.

"Cavin," I yell over at him, "Some help would be great right now."

He immediately rushed over to the unoccupied side of Miranda and helped support her weight too.

"How is your leg? Did the swelling go down yet?" Cavin says to Miranda with concern.

"What? Wait? How do you know it was a bite?" She asked, eyes flitting over to mine, accusatory and nervous in the same instant.

"I have my ways." Cavin says in a tired but creepy way. Miranda just has the most weirded out face ever.

"Come on. Let's get inside before a Z shows up before we cross the gate," I said, helping them shuffle forward.

We pushed open the large gate doors and walked inside.

"Where are the guards at the gate?" Miranda asked quietly as they remained open behind us. There was trash and supplies on the ground, littering the entire area . I looked left and right, seeing abandoned tents and supplies everywhere.

Cavin's eyes widened in shock, taking it all in before his face screwed up in anger.


LAST CHAPTER. Sorry that it was rushed, I just kind of ran out of time and was too lazy to fix it afterwards. This isnt the last chapter though. I will try to write as many chapters to the sequal as I can. -A

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