Long Ride

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We were already crossing the border to New Mexico, traveling for the past 1½ days. We would have gotten there sooner is there weren't so many abandoned cars in the road and Zs around trying to eat the population- or as many pit stops. All throughout Arizona Cavin complained about being thirsty from the sweltering heat, and then how much he had to pee. I'm just glad that Trump's Wall wasn't finished yet or else we would have to find a way to the other side of the Wall. But it was only built halfway so far, and hasn't blocked our path luckily.

We were almost out of fuel again so we're going to have to pull over until we can find some left over fuel. Cavin pulled over and stopped the car.

"We can stop here tonight and I'll go walk north to the nearest gas station tomorrow since it's late."

"Ok, but what about the Z's?" I ask.

Cavin pulled something out of his jeans behind his back, "I'll just protect you guys with my new best friend," he said as he pulled out a black object.

"WHAT THE HELL?" I quickly grabbed the gun out of his confused hands and jumped out of the car. Miranda was still sleeping until I shouted.

"What happened?" She asked groggily until she noticed the gun now in my hands.

Cavin jumped out of the car too, Miranda following sleepily, still confused.

"Where did you get this?" I demanded, angry at myself for not having noticed earlier.

"At the last gas station, behind the freezer. There was a dead guy who tried to protect himself but I guess he did just the opposite." Cavin stepped forward, reaching for the weapon. "Now give it back."

Z's were starting to notice us, and we quickly returned to the safety of the car.

"YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO USE THIS," I whisper shouted at him.

"I can learn." He snapped back.

A lady Z pressed herself against my passenger window, looking at me hungrily.

"It's not easy to learn Cavin, it takes skill, which you don't have." I checked the magazine for bullets and aimed it at eye level, looking at the Z. I pulled the trigger, letting the bullet fly loose through the window and into the Z's head, watching as the Z dropped to the floor. I looked outside and saw that the Z's started retreating back to their original spots, waiting for food.

Cavin whispered under his breath, "better not mess with you then." He crossed his arms and began to pout, leaning back in his seat.

"It seems like the Z's are actually smart instead of mindless like in the movies," Miranda said.

"Weird." I said dismissively. I pushed the gun into my boot and began getting comfortable for a few hours of sleep. Miranda in the back took a swig of the pink liquid.

"Do you still feel sick Miranda?" I ask concerned about her cold and Z bite. Her skin had been fluctuating between flushed pink and deathly pale.

"Yeah I'm fine, just need some rest."

"What's the matter?" Cavin questioned, turning his attention toward her.

"I have this really bad cold or something."

"Oh," he muttered, "Do you need more of that Tylenol cause the bottle almost looks empty."

"Yeah sure, just get this exact kind cause I hate all the other ones that don't even work."

Cavin nods in response and gets the GPS off his phone to set the timer and slouches in his seat, ready for some rest before running in some random gas station. I fell asleep to the feet of Z's shuffling around us, but not attacking us.

Hmmm. Interesting..... and puzzeling. Are these Zs smart from the previous knowlegde from their human bodies? Or do they just recognize the dangerous weapon in the human races hand's? -A

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