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"Owowowow," you strained as Jc adjusted your leg on his shoulder.

"I CAN'T SEE PAST YOUR BOOBS," Jc yelled from above you.

"We can do it," you assured him, turning to check your position in the viewfinder.

Ricky snorted from the couch, and pulled out his phone. "(Y/N), stretch your arm out further," he said, recording you.

You did as Ricky said, pleased to see that you were successful in recreating the yoga pose, but not for long. You began to shake violently under Jc's weight.

"I swear, if you even think of dropping me-" Jc began.

You shook beneath him, your leg slipping, causing you to roll sideways, with Jc collapsing on top of you. His hands flew out, grasping your hips as you toppled downwards in a fit of laughter.

"Ha ha," Kian said sarcastically, "You can let go of her now."

"Okay man," Jc laughed, offering you a hand back up.

You hopped back in place, "Okay, last one," you panted in exhaustion.

Sam stared at the computer screen, a smirk spreading across his smug face, "This one."

"Sam!" you groaned, looking at the extremely complicated position he'd chosen out.

"We got this!" Jc laughed, bouncing up happily on his heels.

Kian glared at the screen, his arms folded over his chest, "I can find you a better one," he offered grimly.

You sighed and shook your head with a laugh, "We got this," you said, giving Jc a big high five.

The pose required one person to lie on their back with their legs in the air as someone else climbed up over their legs, suspended in the air as they would rest their head on the first person't feet, and their legs held up by them, too.

"Bottom," called Jc.

"Thanks for giving me the complicated part," you grumbled under your breath.

Jc slid into place, raising his feet up, "Get on me," he smirked.

You snorted and slapped his foot, "Shut up."

You hoisted yourself onto Trevor's feet, and his hands came to your sides as he helped you up. He squeezed your sides causing you to writhe in frustration, "I'm ticklish!" you snapped.

"I know," he smiled and slid his hands down to help push you up.

Kian glared daggers at Jc, "Hey pal, wanna get your hands off my girlfriend's ass?"

"His hands aren't-" you started. "Never mind," you corrected yourself.

Sam tilted his head to get a better angle, "We should do this challenge together, (Y/N)," he grinned.

Kian gave Sam a shove with a roll of his eyes.

"Sorry," Jc yawned lazily, fixing you into the right spot over him.

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