The Bet

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I slipped my bikini bottom on, taking a quick mirror selfie in Kian’s room.

“You better not post that anywhere.” Kian said, glancing at me from the bathroom.

“It’s cute though.”

“Then take one with me.”


Kian walked over an wrapped his arm around my chest and his other arm around me hip, smirking. I snapped the picture and quickly gave Kian a kiss on his cheek.

“I’ll be down at the pool.” I said, opening the door, jogging down the stairs.

I walked into the kitchen, my feet padding against the tile floors echoing through the house. I pushed open the door and seen Jc, Ricky, Jack and Jack, Nash, and some other boys I didn’t recognise out there. Honestly thought Jc and Kian were done hanging out with Nash but I guess that’s me.

“Hey, y/n! You ready to get drunk?!” Jc smiled and brought me a fruity drink.

“Sure. Why not?” I grinned and took a seat down by the pool, sliding my legs into the water.

I posted mine and Kian’s photo into instagram, automatically getting likes. We’ve been dating for about six months now and everything is going amazing. I can’t believe he even asked me out anyways. It was actually at a party with about the same amount of people and actually some of the same people and everyone was either wasted, high, or even both. Anyways, Kian and I didn’t feel like getting intoxicated or fucked up so we started talking and now we’re here.

I looked back and seen Kian chatting along with the Jack’s whenever Jc walked over, taking a seat beside me.

“what’s up, y/n?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Nothing​ much. Chilling​ at the pool, getting some sun, thinking to myself.”

“Chill. So, I have something to tell you actually.”

“And that is?”

He sighed, giving me a quick hug. “It’s about Kian and before you go raising hell, wait till I finish the story.”


“So, you remember that you and Kian met?” I nodded my head. “Well, you were the only girl that anyone was really interested in. Since half the boys heard that you were coming, they all did a bet. Anyways, Kian won the bet. So, the bet was if he can get you to date him, and if he can fuck you in the first couple of months, then he can keep you but if he can’t, he has to give you up.”

“Are you fucking serious?!”

I quickly stood up and walked over to Kian, placing my hands on my hip.

“So what’s this about me being a fucking bet?! Huh?!”

Kian’s eyes widened. “Fucking shit. What the fuck, Jc?! I told you not to tell her!”

“It doesn’t matter if Jc was suppose to tell me or not! Why the fuck didn’t you tell me? I was sitting here thinking you got some damn feelings for me but after all, you’re just another fuck boy! Fuck you, Kian! We’re over!”

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