X Chapter 9 X

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Drucilla clung to the side of the cherry blossom patterned room divider and peered around the edge, scarlet faced. Just what was it she had done in her life to deserve this? Hisoka had decided he wasn't leaving her alone and was currently sleeping on her sofa, without a shirt and only a blanket draped over his lower half. He was ripped! Her eyes traced every inch of his revealed flesh, over each sculpted muscle. She jumped as he opened one eye and a sly smile twisted onto his lips as he met her gaze.

"Morning, Cilla-chan. Want to join me?" He smiled sleepily.

"N-No! P-Put some d-damn clothes on, pervert!" She squeaked and fell away from the room divider and back into her bedroom.

"There's more room in here." He chimed in her ear as he appeared behind her causing her to fall away from him with a panicked scream, only to go tumbling onto the bed as she lost her balance.

"D-Don't do that!" She squeaked as she turned to face him only to slap her hands over her eyes to keep herself from staring at his perfectly sculpted torso. Why was he naked?! "PUT CLOTHES ON!" The temperature in the room began to steadily decline.

"Is this better?" Hisoka's voice sounded far too happy, he had done something that was going to mortify her, she could tell.

She chanced a glance and let out a panicked yelp, he was still naked, but now holding Spike, her fake cactus in front of him to cover himself. "NO! DON'T DO WEIRD THINGS TO SPIKE!" Drucilla buried her face under her pillow to hide her embarrassment. "Why the hell are you staying at my apartment anyway? There are literally hundreds of hotels, everywhere."

"That wouldn't be nearly as fun." Hisoka snickered and Drucilla chanced a glance in his direction and felt her breathing start to return to normal and her heartbeat begin to slow to a much more normal pace. He was still shirtless but at least he'd put pants on.

"I have things to do, can you leave soon?" She sighed as she rolled to the edge of her bed and sat up with a slow stretch.

Her apartment door opened and she cringed as she heard Min call out to her, "Dru! You better be alive-." He cut off with a cough as Hisoka appeared before him and caught him by the neck.

Drucilla sprinted for the door, "Hisoka-san! Let him go!" She snarled and lunged for him, but Hisoka caught her by the neck and had her off the ground in a second. It wasn't even a challenge for him he did it as easily as if he were fighting a child.

"Cilla-chan, I don't think your apartment is very secure." Hisoka smiled.

Drucilla grabbed Hisoka's wrist and sent her aura through him causing him to release his hold on them both. Min doubled over in a coughing fit as he struggled to regulate his breathing and Drucilla easily kicked Hisoka out into the hallway as he was momentarily stunned by her aura. She knew it probably hurt like hell, she'd temporarily froze all of his internal organs, his blood was pumping like slush and his entire central nervous system was in a state of hypothermic shock.

"Hisoka-san." She folded her arms across her chest and glared at him as he managed to regain his composure and control of his basic motor function, "I'm only going to tell you this once, so listen carefully." The air around her practically crackled as thousands of miniscule ice crystals formed in the air around her, "If you ever lay a hand on my friend again, I will kill you."

"Hm?" Hisoka grinned, "Is that all it takes to get you serious, Cilla-chan?" He smiled wickedly as he took a step toward the apartment.

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