so my daddy was do more work so phasma took me off of my daddy for a little bit

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so it was a Saturday, my dad was working more.

he needed someone to take cear of me, whist he was working.

so phasma told hux, at she wood look anther me as she had a kid of her, only as same age as me, she also told my daddy, at she was taken her son oasis swimming pool and thort at i wood like to go whit them.

he say at that was nice, and he say yes to her.

i was happy at i was go to spend time whit pharma, and her son.

and my uncle kylo ren came along too as he love swimming.

hux was happy at i and kylo ren, were go swimming whit phasma and her son, which meant at my uncle wood not rueing my dad ship, because my uncle had temper tantrums.

me, my uncle kylo ren, phasma, and her son enjoyed swimming.

i really enjoyed swimming whit you, phasma son say to me.

so did i, i tell him.

when we got back, i went to find my daddy.

when i got to my daddy office, i font my daddy asleep.

uncle kylo, i say come and look.

he follow's me to my daddy's office.

he gets, a pillow and blanket, and puts the pillow under my daddy head, and the blanket over him.

then my uncle takes me, to his bedroom.

my uncle play's whit me, then me and him wear getting tired.

so we fell asleep on my uncle kylo bed.

my daddy came to find me, and font me, so he soon fell asleep again, whit me and my uncle.

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