my daddy starts training me to become a general of the 1st order

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so I was about 12 years old, my farter stars my training for me, to become the general of the 1st order.

i had to attend meetings, do target practise, do office work, planning for attacks, trying to stop my uncle's anger, meeting whit supreme leader snoke, ordering my daddy's co-workers about, and do spaces for my daddy.

phasma and my uncle kylo ren, and phasma kid, saw at i was runed down, and tired more.

so phasma and my uncle kylo, went to talk to hux pharma daddy.

hux they both say, your darter is runed off her feet, and she only a kid, she shod rest, and have time to do the things at she loves to do.

really he say.

yes they both say. and you need to spend more time whit her, as she is you kid anther all phasma say hux my daddy.

ok, he say.

so he decides to take me swimming, so i can bond whit him more.

we enjoyed it.

then we came back home and had lunch, then we played tea party's, i was getting tired and he was so we decided to have a nap.

my uncle comes us, and check at we had fun together, and see me and my daddy asleep.

he leaves us, and go to his bedroom.

later on my uncle, brings in tea, for me and my daddy.

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