i was at the academy when i started to fell ill

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so I was at the academy when i was there, I started to fell sick.

i ask the teacher if i can go to the loo, i was not in my fathers lesson.

the teacher, yes at i can go to the loo.

i was sick, i went to find my daddy, and tell him, i was ill.

he feel's, heed and he calls my uncle to come and get me.

i was picked up by my uncle kylo, my dad told him at i was ill.

so kylo ren a.k.a. ben solo, told my daddy at he wood keep me in his bedroom until my daddy came home form the academy.

so when i got back whit my uncle, he takes me to his bedroom i was soon asleep.

my daddy came home for the academy, he see me and my uncle asleep, my daddy smiles.

he leaves me whit my uncle, my daddy go to his and mine bedroom.

the next day my daddy, call the academy and told them, i and he wood not be in, as he told them he was go to look anther me .

my daddy came to take me back to are bedroom.

he puts me in bed, then he gets in to bed whit me , i sorry daddy at you looking anther me, i say.

sweetheart, my daddy exsclames, you can not help be ill, i shod of picked it up at you was not felling to good.

it was my fault, i did not see it, he say.

i sorry my daddy, say to me.

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