Chapter Two

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Pulling into the garage, the two black men who Teagan did not know the names of yet, turn to see her park the car. Getting out of the car she runs her nimble fingers through her now short blonde hair and sighs. She's been out of the business for ten years; of course she wasn't going to know anyone new.

    "And who might you be?" The one in the Rick James leather jacket asks her. She shoves her hands into the pockets of her red zip up hoodie and struts over to the two.

    "Funny, I was going to ask you two the same thing," She says. Before he could introduce himself, the purr of a motorcycle makes its way into the garage.

    We all turn to see a girl park her bike then easily step off it. She had legs for days and when she pulled off her helmet; her cocoa hair was just the same. The two boys make their way over, the one in the jacket trying to flirt. It doesn't work to well once she pulls a gun on him.

    She puts her gun away as two scraggily looking fellows walk in speaking to each other in Spanish.

    "I told you the skinny chick had balls," The one in the white t-shirt and dreads says to the other in what must be their native tongue.

    "Looks like she started the party without us," The one in the greenish brown shirt says.

    "Hey, anybody can talk shit in Spanish, homie," Jacket guy says.

    "What is this guy saying?" Spanish guy with dreads asks.

    "Ugly is still ugly in Spanish or in English," The other guys says. They then start to taunt each other in Spanish and Teagan goes to take a stand next to the lady with legs. They were the only girls here, and girls had to stick together. Plus she was the one with the gun, so Teagan like her already.

    "I thought cockfights were illegal in Brazil." They both look over at an Asian man eating chips. He offers to us, but we both refuse.

    "I see you've all met," Dom's voice booms and I turn to see him and Mia walk in with a blonde boy behind them.

    "You know when you called me to come to Rio," Lady with legs walks towards him. "I assumed it would be more exciting than this."

    "T?" Mia looks at me and Teagan smiles.

    "Mia!" She runs over to her and they embrace each other. This hug was ten years too late.

    "What happened to the red?" She asks and runs her fingers through the girl's short blonde hair. It used to be long and fiery red when she was in high school, but since then she let the blonde grow back and ended up cutting it up to her shoulders.

    "I needed a change," Teagan tells her and turns to Dom.

    He opens his arms and she struts over to him. He was still a good foot taller than her, everyone was, but she hugged him nonetheless.

    "You've grown into a beautiful young woman, hermanita." He pulls away and the blonde haired and blue eyed sidekick of his walks over with his two black friends.

    "Dom, check this out," He says and points to each one introducing them and their purpose here. "This is Tej, best circuit man on the East Coast. And this is my boy, Roman Pierce. We go way back. I met this guy in juvie; I pulled that job with him in Miami."

    "I've heard about you," Dom says then sets a hand on the blonde girl's shoulder. "Brian, I would like you to meet Teagan Woods. My little sister and she's the one I said could do anything. She's also our resident linguist."

"How did you-" She is cut off by Tej ask her a question.

"Linguist?" He asks and she nods. "So how many languages do you know?"

"Thirteen and counting," She says with a smile and earns a whistle sigh from him. She just laughs a little before everyone takes a stand in front of Dom.

    "Nice digs," The Asian man says as they all stand there.

    "Yeah, well, the Ritz was sold out." Dom comments.

    "So what's this all about, Dom?" Teagan speaks up.

    "Yeah, man," Tej says. "Why'd you drag us halfway around the world?"

    "Cause we got a job," Dom says and a smirk grows on Teagan's face. Now this was the life she missed.

    They all follow Dom and Brian into the main part of the warehouse where the game plan was being set up. Brian started up the explanation.

    "All right, so our target's name is Hernan Reyes," Brian starts off. "And he runs the drug scene down here. He's never been busted because he doesn't leave a paper trail."

    "No paper trail means no banks," Teagan states and everyone looks at her. "And no banks means cash houses."

    "That's right," Brian says surprised. She knows she's young, but she wasn't as young as she used to be. Brian rolls out a map and everyone looks over it. "Ten of them to be exact. Spread throughout the city."

    "And we're going to hit them all," Dom says taking a stand in between Teagan and Roman. Now this was a heist.

    "All of them?" Tej asks.

    "All of them," Dom assures.

    "That sounds crazy," Roman says and stands up straighter. "You bring us to a whole other country so we can rob the dude who runs it? I thought this was business, sounds personal to me. Is that what this is? I got love for y'all, but personal ain't good business. I can't do this, homie."

    With that Roman turns around and starts to leave. Dom pulls a smirk on his face and continues with the plan.

    "So what we're talking about is a hundred million dollars," He says loudly and everyone hears Roman stop in his tracks.

    "You say what?" Teagan turns around to see Roman turning around and she holds back her laughter. "See, sometimes I be over thinking, man, and I know we just met, but you just, kind of, got to..."

    "That's right a hundred million, and everything we take we split even." Dom interrupts.

    "That's a little over ten million apiece," Teagan does the quick math in her head. "I am down."

    "I'm in," Asian man eating chips says nodding over to me.

    "Ten million," Roman says. "Sounds like a whole lot of vaginal activity to me."

    Teagan hits Roman's bicep earning her a vengeful look from him.

    "You can't pull off ten heists on the same mark," Lady with legs says. "You just can't."

    "Yeah, as soon as we hit the first one, they are going to do everything they can to protect the rest," Asian man re thinks his priorities.

    "Exactly," Dom says with a sinister smirk. Now this, this heist was one for the history books.

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