Chapter Eleven

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The next day everyone was getting for the grand plan. Teagan was helping Vince tune up a police cruiser when Mia shouted.

    "Hobbs is on the other side of the city," Mia shouts. "We're not going to get a better window."

    "Okay, guys," Dom starts to roll up a map. "It's show time. First team in position."

    Gisele, Han, Roman, Tej and the Spanish Brothers all took their vehicles and left. Brian and Dom were saying their goodbyes to Mia while Vince and Teagan continues to work on the car. Teagan was going to stay with Mia for this job, knowing she was pregnant it was her duty to watch over her and keep her safe.

    Hearing the squeal of big tires on pavement, Teagan turns towards the entrance to see the feds making their way inside.

    "Cops!" She shouts and everyone runs.

Teagan runs after Brian and Mia prepared to keep them safe at all costs. They didn't make it far because at all exit points agents stood with big guns. Each of them then makes their way back to the center of the room where they met with Vince.

Dom and Hobbs go crashing through a window and Teagan takes a few steps back to get out of the way. She then assesses the situation and goes to run forward but Vince holds her back. Hobbs was beating the shit out of Dom.

"Dom!" Mia shouts. Dom then takes control and is on top of Hobbs beating him up.

"Pull off!" Vince shouts at Dom. He needed to stop this; it was out of our hands now.

"Stop!" Teagan shouts, her voice cracking. "Please!"

Hobbs gets his hands on a wrench and goes to hit Dom, but he rolls out of the way. They roll around for a second in a mess of sweat and blood, exchanging punch after punch after punch. Dom gets back on top then in an instant grabs the wrench and goes to hit Hobbs.

"DOM!" Mia shouts at her brother. Teagan closes her eyes after she sees the wrench go down. After a second she opens them to see the wrench on the ground next to Hobbs head and Dom standing up. The look in his eye wasn't anger any more; it was a look that asked for forgiveness. He didn't want anyone to see him like that; he didn't want to be like that anymore.

Dom puts his hands up; now ready to be taken by Hobbs.


    Handcuffed, Teagan sat next to Vince in a van with the others. The car bounced around as it went over hills too fast and landed on the ground too rough.

    "We're coming in now," Hobbs says into a radio. "Have the marshals meet us at the airport when we land."

    Teagan leans her head back on the cool metal and lets out a defeated sigh. This was never supposed to happen.

    "Ambush!" Hobbs shouts and he head snaps back up.

    The vehicle comes to a rocky stop and all Teagan could hear was gunfire. Brian covers Mia with his body ready to die for her.

    "Cut us loose!" He shouts to the lady officer

    "Come on, cut us loose!" Vince agrees.

Outside two bombs go off and shake the car. The lady officer in the car makes a split decision and helps us lose the handcuffs. Vince, Dom, Brian and her all crawl out and so does Teagan. The lady hands her a handheld gun and she takes aim as she walks around the car.

Reyes men surrounded an injured Hobbs so we all took action to take them down. Teagan makes quick easy shots to the back of the necks of them and Dom goes to help Hobbs up. They all start to retreat back to the car. Teagan jumps in after Brian and Vince in after her. The lady starts up the car and runs over a truck as they flee the scene.

In the van, Teagan turns to make sure everyone was okay then her eyes land on Vince. She was already sitting next to him so she presses her hands to his abdomen.

"Dom," He says. Dom turns to the man and his eyes go wide at the sight. Teagan holds back tears as she presses on the wound. "You got to meet my son. Nico."

"I will," Dom promises.

"He's a good kid," Vince chuckles. "You know, we named him after you. "Dominic.""

"You got my word, Vince," Dom promises.

Teagan watches as the life leaves Vince's eyes. "No, no, no, no." Tears stream down her face. A pair of strong arms wraps her arms to her body and pulls her away from her friend's body. Vince pulls the fragile girl over his lap and farther away from Vince. She stares down at her now bloodstained hands and silent tears fall down her cheeks.

"Dom," She whispers and he looks down at her. "I didn't want to ask earlier, but what happened to Jesse and Letty?"

Brian's eyes widen hearing those names. He didn't think the young girl knew who they were. He knew she was friends with Dom a long time ago, but not that long ago. Jesse was Teagan's first love, she wanted to know what happened to him.

"They died," Dom says.

"When?" She asks and looks dead ahead.

"Jesse, a month after you left," Dom explains. "Letty was not even a year ago."

"Why didn't you tell me?" She looks up at him.

"You were out, remember?" He says simply not wanting to have this conversation.

"I thought I was family," She says in Spanish. He wanted him to know how bad she was hurt. These few weeks were all because of him, because of that one call. Yes, it changed her life, but was it really for the better?

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