Chapter Seven

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The next day everyone got a chance to drive the new slick black car. And everyone was always hit by one camera. Gisele steps out after her turn and asks how she did.

    "Solid," Roman shouts at her. "But camera three still caught you."

    "Teagan!" She shouts and Teagan's head snaps up. "You're turn."

    "Um, yeah, okay," Teagan mutters and gets up. Walking down the stairs Gisele tosses her the keys and she takes her place in the driver's seat. Through the walkie talkie she hears Mia's voice giving her the go.

    Pressing on the gas, the girl harshly makes the right turn and presses harder on the gas. Coming towards the hairpin, she pulls the stick back and hits the brake making the turn. Pushing the stick back up, she speeds up and sees the hard right up ahead. This was the camera everyone struggled with, number three. Instead of making a round right turn like the others, she makes it tight and comes up to the final left turn. Spinning the steering wheel and completing the course she hits the brakes.

On the platform Han sets a hand on Tej's shoulder. "Looks like you're in love."

"Just a little," Tej says and runs a hand over his head.

Turning the ignition off, she steps out to see the astonished faces. None of them except Mia and Dom have seen her drive like that.

"So," Teagan speaks up and all heads turn to her. "How'd I do?"

"You did it, T," Tej says.

"The short one did it," Leo says and she laughs a little.

"How did you do that?" Roman asks and they all walk down to her.

"Well, all of you have been doing round turns on camera three," Teagan says and closes the door. "I decided to change it up and make it a tight turn."

Everyone gives their congrats to the youngest member on her stellar performance. This was the part she missed most, the bonding.


    Later that day, a huge crate came into the warehouse. Han, Santos, and Brian all open it up and Teagan stood next to Tej and Leo.

    "That's the piggy bank you ordered," Leo says pointing to the replica safe in front of us.

    "You're kidding," Teagan whispers. It was even more beautiful up close.

    "Where in the hell did y'all get one of these?" Tej asks.

    "Well, we had a life before you met us," Han says earning a laugh all around.

    "All right, I'll get to work on the electronic tumbler," Tej says and walks towards the contraption. "But there's still a problem."

    "Palm scanner," Teagan says and Tej points to her nodding.

    "Without Reyes handprint," Tej says. "Houdini himself couldn't open this bitch."

    "How do you know its Reyes handprint?" Leo asks.

    "You got a hundred million dollars in a safe," Tej says. "You going to put somebody else's handprint on it?"

    The two Spanish brothers start to bicker and everyone shakes their head holding back their laughs.

    "How are we supposed to get Reyes' handprint?" Roman asks silencing the two.

    "Han," Dom shouts and Teagan looks over at the Asian next to her. "You're up."

    "Sure," Han says and hands the bag of chips to Teagan. "Nothing like the easy stuff."

    He starts to walk away and Gisele follows him. "I'll drive," She says and the two were gone.

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