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It was Friday night and Sicheng found himself alone in his shared apartment. Yuta and Jaehyun had gone out on a double date and would most likely spend the night out with their respective dates. Due to the fact that it was a Friday night, Sicheng had no intention to spend it all by himself. He took his phone out of his pocket and send a text to the only other person in his contact list.

-What are you doing? Want to come over? -xxSichengxx

A minute after he received his reply.

-Sure, be there in 20 minutes -xxTaeyongxx

Sicheng smiled as he walked to the kitchen, looking for a pot before adding water to boil. As he waited for the water to boil, he heard sound coming from his room. Maybe Taeyong didn't want to use the front door, he thought as he walked to his room. When he opened the door, he found a tall broad man slipping through his window; he gasped at once, drawing the attention of the man in his room.

"Oh~ Look what a cutie did I found."

"Who are you? If you don't leave now, I'm calling the police."

As Sicheng turned to dial the police, he suddenly met the floor as the man tackled him down. Sicheng screamed at the sudden pain that spread all over his right arm. He tried to get out of his attacker's hold, but the man was obviously stronger than he was.

"Where do you think you're going?"-the man snickered-"We're just getting started."

He placed his legs on either side of Sicheng, holding him in place. The latter struggled under his hold as the man began to kiss his neck. Sicheng started to protest, but everything that came out of his mouth was in Chinese; even if he screamed for help, no one would understand him. Somehow during his struggle, Sicheng had managed to pull his left arm out of under him and was able to swing it in the man's direction a few times, but it was to no avail. Tears soon clouded his vision, the lump in his throat making it difficult for him to breathe. He began to uncontrollably shake as the man's hands roamed all over his body, touching him in a way that he instantly despised. He heard someone call his name, and soon the man was being pulled apart from his body. With the extra weight on him gone, Sicheng scrambled to the corner of the hall, his now injured right arm tucked in his chest. He pulled his legs up to his chin and wrapped his left arm around his knees. Through his clouded vision, he was able to make out Taeyong's figure, overpowering the man and throwing punches at him with no rest. His face was contorted with anger and was muttering something in between his throws that Sicheng couldn't make out. It wasn't until he let out a sob that Taeyong looked his way; his face full of worry. He turned to the man once again before pulling out his phone from his jacket and dialing whom Sicheng assumed was the police. When Taeyong realized the man had passed out- maybe because of the alcohol that Sicheng had gotten a whiff from the man, or because of the number of punches Taeyong had given him- he moved away from him and sat in front of Sicheng's shaking body.

Too scared to make out whatever Taeyong was telling him, with difficulty he whispered back- "Yuta hyung"

Taeyong nodded understanding. He stood up and dialed Yuta as he walked to the kitchen. Only then Sicheng remembered the water he had left boiling, but he could care less about it now. He was scared. He could have been raped, maybe even killed if it wasn't for Taeyong. He closed his eyes and rested his head on top of his knees. He was suddenly tired and wanted to sleep, but soon the police arrived and the lump in his throat made it impossible to give his statement. He managed to say a few things, but judging from the face the policeman was showing, his words made no sense or he was either saying them in his native language. The man laying on his room was taken away, Taeyong had given his version of the events, but Sicheng's brain didn't seem to work at the moment. He stayed on the floor, in the same position he had acquired when Taeyong had saved him, not moving whatsoever. The police had even brought an interpreter so they could at least understand the few words that managed to leave his lips. Soon after, Jaehyun and Yuta arrived; Doyoung and Hansol just behind them. Being the loud and overprotective friend, Yuta assaulted Taeyong, demanding an explanation. Sicheng's ears ring, he saw them arguing, Yuta shoving Taeyong a few times before Hansol stopped him. Only then did he looked at Sicheng and soon embraced him. The familiar scent of his best friend breaking his walls as Sicheng's tears finally started running down his face as he broke into loud sobs.

Yuta whispered sweet words in his ear, telling him that everything was going to be alright. In between his attempt to calm Sicheng down, Yuta would turn and curse at the officers, claiming that it was a 'dick' move to assault someone with questions when said person wasn't alright. Hansol moved closer to him in an attempt to calm him down, which only stirred more his anger.

"Can't they see how badly he's shaking?! He was almost raped and they couldn't give him space! It's obvious he's in shock! No matter how important his statement is, his health come first!! He's on the verge of a panic attack!!"

He then started cursing in Japanese, something he did when he was truly angered, and his friends knew better than to leave him alone. At some point, Sicheng fell asleep in Yuta's arms. Doyoung took the initiative and courtly escorted the police out of the apartment. Promising to bring the boy in the morning to give his statement.

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