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After sneaking into Sicheng's room that night, I was confident I could do the right thing and forget about him. Or at least, that's what I thought.

Two nights later, I was back at the boy's balcony, and this time, luckily, the window was open.

"ah! I'm hungry~"

Sicheng was laying on his bed, already in his pajamas.

"You know, normal people would cook something to eat instead of whine about it."

I smirked when I saw his shocked face as he sat on the bed.

"You know, normal people would knock on the door instead of sneaking through the window."

"good point"

"What are doing here...again?"

"Honestly, I just wanted to see you."

I saw a small amount of blush decorated his cheeks and laughed.

"So, back to your whining, why don't you just cook something?"

"Honestly, I don't know how to cook..."

"Then what do you eat?"

"Jaehyun usually gets dinner ready before he leaves, tonight he was in a rush and didn't get to cook."

"Then why don't you ask Yuta?"

"Because he's out with Hansol hyung, and even if he was here, I wouldn't ask him either. His cooking skills are the same, or worst than mine."

"If that's the case, should I make something for dinner?"

Without waiting for his response, I walked across the room and into the kitchen.

"You know how to cook?"

"Do you think Hansol can survive after eating something Yuta made?"

"I guess not~" -- he let out a low laugh as he said

"Since I share an apartment with him, it's up to me to make sure he's alive. Yuta might be smart, but he totally sucks at cooking!" -- I said as I started to look for the utensils to cook.

"Where do you keep the pans?"

"At the bottom, at the left door next to the stove."-- he said as he took a seat in one of the barstools.

We kept in silence as I opened drawers and started cooking. Every now and then I would glance at Sicheng and find him looking at me as I moved across the kitchen. Soon after,

"Do you like army stew?" -- I asked as I placed the pan in the middle of the table.

I've seen Sicheng smile a few times and it was the most beautiful thing ever, but it couldn't compare to the glint in his eyes as he eyed the stew in front of him.

"Can I eat this now?" -- he looked up at me with twinkling eyes, and of course, I couldn't say no.

" Of course, go ahead."

Without thinking about it a second time, Sitting started eating as I slowly sat in front of him.

"Wow~! This is really good! Are you really a good cook?"

"I am, and if you don't believe me, then call me whenever you're hungry and I'll cook something for you."


I nodded and a beat later Sicheng was running off to his room. When he came back, he had his phone in his hands.

"Then, give me your number. I'm really taking your words seriously."

I took the phone from his hands and quickly typed in my number, saving it under 'Cutie Taeyong (^3^)' before giving it back to him.

"Then, it's settled. I'll be waiting for your call."

He smiled at me and then went back to eating. Maybe it was the alcohol in my system, but tonight, Sicheng looked beautiful. There was something about mesmerizing about him and I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"Damn you're cute" -- I whispered. Or so I thought I did. A second later I saw Sicheng's cheeks painted in a light pink color as my lips curled up in a smile.



"Oh~ hyung you're back. How was your date?"

"It was alright. Did you already have dinner?"

"Yes, I already did..."

"Did you cook?"

"Are you crazy? The apartment would be all burned down if I was to cook."

"Then, who cooked dinner?"

"Taeyong hyung"

"Taeyong was here?" -- I nodded once again -- "What was he doing here?"

"Uh? uh... he was looking for Hansol hyung!"

"Hansol? What for?"

"I don't know... he said he tried calling him but he didn't answer. So he came here to look for him..."

"Dong Sicheng, are you being honest with me?"

"O-of course!"

"I know I said that you should move on, but try to stay away from Taeyong. He's a good friend, I give him that, but he's not the type of person to be in a relationship. He's more into... one night stands. I've seen you get hurt one time, and I don't to see you hurt again. You know I only want the best for you right?"

I nodded and smiled at him. Yuta was a great friend, he always wanted the best for me and I understood where he was coming from. Maybe I was a little interested in Taeyong but I wasn't going to tell Yuta that. Instead, I smiled and promised him that I would stay away from Taeyong.

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