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"Are you sure you're going to be alright?"

"I'll be fine... you already locked all the windows..."

"But still, I'm worried about you. Make sure you call me or Jaehyun if you hear something unusual."- Sicheng nodded as Yuta kissed his forehead before taking Hansol's hand and walking out of the apartment.

It had been a month since the incident; a month of Yuta being glued to his side at all times. After that night, Hansol changed the locks on the windows and Yuta prohibited Sicheng from opening them. Jaehyun tried to protest that it was too much, but after a glare from Yuta, he shut up, knowing that arguing with Yuta would be useless. Sicheng was under Jaehyun's and Yuta's watch all the time, but after the second week, Jaehyun stopped babying him and continued with his normal life. Much to Sicheng's liking, Yuta wouldn't stop babying him, no matter how much he begged. After weeks of begging and a little help from Hansol, Yuta finally agreed to go out for the night and leave him alone for a few hours (not without making sure all the windows were tightly closed). Sicheng love how Yuta cared about him, but honestly, he felt like a child under Yuta's care. Not even his own mother treated him like that.

After Yuta left, Sicheng finally felt free. Maybe he was exaggerating, but dealing with a clingy Yuta for a month mentally drained him. Sicheng sat in the living room, the tv on but not really paying attention to it as he worked on some of his assignments. Every 30 minutes or so, he received texts from Yuta asking if he was alright. After the fifth text, Sicheng sighted in frustration and sent a text to Hansol.

-Make sure he gets a good fuck tonight. Don't you dare bring him back tonight, or else I won't talk to you again. xxSichengxx

-Don't worry, I'll tie him down to the bed if I have to. To show you how much I love you, I'll send you a little present, make sure you enjoy your night ;) xxHansolxx

Fifteen minutes after Hansol's text, Sicheng was startled by a knock on the door. It was almost midnight, so he couldn't think of anything that could be visiting him at that hour. There was a second knock on the door, bringing him out of his thoughts. He stood up from his place on the floor and reluctantly opened the door. Sicheng blinked as he saw a pink haired Taeyong on his doorstep. He hadn't seen the older since the incident, as was taken aback by the sudden presence of the boy.

"Taeyong hyung? What are you doing here?"

"Have you had dinner yet?"

"...n-no... but, why are you here...?"

Taeyong smiled as he pushed Sicheng aside, making his way into the apartment,-"Didn't you know? I'm your babysitter for tonight."


"Yes, did you really think Yuta would leave you all by yourself? Close the door please... is there anything special you would like for dinner?"

Complying to the elder's order, Sicheng closed the door before following him to the kitchen,-"It doesn't matter... did Yuta really send you to babysit me?"

Taeyong chuckled as he started gathering things for dinner.-"Of course not! but Hansol told me he was going to use our apartment and obviously they need privacy. I really wasn't going to come here, but he told me you were alone and probably haven't had a proper dinner, so here I am..."

Sicheng sat on the counter as Taeyong worked his magic around the kitchen and in no time he placed dish after dish on the table as Sicheng helped with the rice bowls. They sat across each other just like the last time and sat in silence.

"Thank you hyung..."

"You don't have to thank me. I told you before, if you ever need someone to cook for you just call me and I'll come right away."

"I wasn't talking about that...I meant about the other night..."

Taeyong looked up at Sicheng as he reached over to place his hand on the younger's cheek-"Don't even say it, I'm thankful you called me over. If you hadn't done that..."-he sighted as he closed his eyes,-"Let's talk about something else."

"Alright.... then, can I ask you a question?"


"Why didn't you visit me? after what happened..."

"You want the truth?"


"Yuta didn't allow me to see you."


"Honestly, I have no idea, but he just told me to not look for you again. Basically he threatened me to stay away from you."

"Then, does that mean he doesn't know you're here?"

"Yup, but at this point is not like I care about what he says." -He stood up and started to clean the kitchen, just like the last time. Sicheng just stayed in his place watching Taeyong put things away and washing dishes. He was curious as to why Yuta didn't want Taeyong to see him, he had technically saved his life that night. He needed to have a serious talk with him soon. Once Taeyong was done cleaning, they walked to the living room where Sicheng's books were scattered on the floor.

"Sicheng, do you really plan to live like this all your life?"

"I was studying, is not like I can help it..."

"Alright, I forgive you this time just because I haven't seen you in a long time."

"Hyung, want to watch a movie?"

"I'm not sure if I should stay any longer."

Sicheng took a hold of Taeyong's hand and dragged him to his room, -"Yuta won't be back until tomorrow, and I haven't seen you in a long time as you said. Just stay the night, I don't want to stay alone."

They laid in Sicheng's small bed as they watched the Harry Potter movie that was playing on the tv. Seeking some warm, Sicheng moved closer to the older, wrapping his arms around his torso; unsurprisingly, Taeyong pulled him closer.



"I missed you..."

"You won't believe how much I missed you too. When Hansol told me he was out with Yuta, I came as soon as possible."

"Thank you, for protecting me that night."

Taeyong pulled Sicheng away from him and looked into his eyes as he placed on of his hands on the younger's cheek,-"Dong Sicheng, if you would let me, I will protect you with my life forever. You're so precious to me; I would never let anyone hurt you."

Taeyong's eyes were lovingly starring into Sicheng's and when Taeyong closed the distance between them, Sicheng couldn't help but to close his eyes and fall deeper for Taeyong. At that moment, he couldn't care less about what would Yuta think, all he could do was pull Taeyong closer as he melted into the kiss.


I'm back with another chapter!!! Sadly, there's only one more chapter left of this story cause I think making it longer is just going to ruin the entire idea of it. So, yeah, Look forward to the last chapter!!

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