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"That's the last one! I thought we would never finish!"

"I never knew I had so many belongings..."

Taeyong joined Sicheng on the couch, laying his head on the younger's lap. They had been dating for a year when Taeyong proposed to live together. Yuta had moved in with Hansol a few months earlier and Jaehyun was planning to do the same, meaning Sicheng would have to look for new roommates and he wasn't really looking forward to new people. Instead, he and Taeyong rented a small and cozy apartment a few blocks from school and moved in together. The apartment was definitely much smaller than his past apartment, but he didn't mind it, having Taeyong by his side was much better. They had just finished unpacking all of their belongings after a month of moving in, but with finals in the way, neither of them had the time nor the patience to sit down and put things away.

"I can't believe we actually finished unpacking, seeing all those boxes every day stressed me out." -Sicheng mentioned as he played with Taeyong's hair.

"I felt like that too, I'm really glad we finished unpacking."

"The only bad side to this is that the guys will want to visit..."

"We can just ignore them and don't open the door for them."

"Hyung, they are our friends..."

"So? Isn't that what Yuta did to us when we went to visit?"

"Yeah, but that was different. He and Hansol were busy."

"Then we should get busy more often."

"Hyung!"-Sicheng slapped Taeyong on his arm as he felt his face heat up. He probably looked like a tomato.

"Why are you so embarrassed? You weren't acting shy the other night."-Taeyong chuckled as Sicheng groaned, hiding his face with his hands in the process,-"You're cute when you get embarrassed."

"I'm cute all the time..."-Sicheng muttered as he removed his hands from his face.

Taeyong let out a chuckle as he sat up wrapping his arms around Sicheng,-"You're right, you're always cute."- He placed his hands on Sicheng's cheeks, leaning in to place a soft, chaste kiss on the boy's lips before breaking up,-"You know I love you right?"

Sicheng hummed in response before taking the older's lips on his once again. Taeyong placed his hand on Sicheng's nape, deepening the kiss. Looking for more contact, Sicheng climbs on Taeyong's lap, his legs on each side of the older. Sicheng's hands quickly found their way into the older's hair and Taeyong's hands rested on his thighs. The kiss quickly escalated and Sicheng's shirt was soon on the floor. Before Taeyong's shirt was gone, there was a know on the door. Reluctantly, Sicheng broke the kiss, standing from Taeyong's lap to get his shirt on before opening the door.

"What took you so long to open the door? Dong Sicheng, you better not be doing nasty stuff, you're too young for that."

"Ah~ just the person I wanted to see, Yuta..."

"I'm not so happy to see you too Taeyong. You're not important, I came to see my baby because he doesn't even bother to answer my text anymore. Dong Sicheng~!"-Yuta dragged Sicheng to the kitchen while Hansol took a seat next to Taeyong.

"How can you live with him?"

"Everyone asks that, but Yuta isn't as annoying as he let people think."

"He might not be that annoying, but he is a pain in the ass. You have all my respect."

"I'll take that as a compliment I guess... So how is it going with you and Sicheng?"

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