Chapter 1

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"Well, let me tell you a story, about a girl and a boy. He fell in love with his best friend when she's around, he feels nothing but joy," Fall by, Justin Bieber

Chapter 1

Alaina's POV

"Please.... don't let me die, Mommy!" Esther pants, holding onto Kate's ankle and holding a knife behind her back.

"I'm not your fucking mommy!" Kate snaps and kicks Esther in the head, breaking her neck and sending her back into the freezing water.

When she was gone, Kate quickly climbs out of the hole in the pond and retrieves her crying daughter, Max, standing along the side in the snow. Picking her up and holding her to her chest, they make their way out of the woods, meeting up with police officers.

As the credits begin to roll, I sigh with relief and pull the blanket from my face and lean off of my best friend Harry even though I'm still kind of petrified over the movie that we just watched. It's Friday night, the last day of the week until Christmas break is over, and Harry and I just had our traditional movie night. Tonight, he insisted that we watch a horror movie in the dark in his basement even though we only do that during Halloween and if Friday ever falls on the 13th. The movie Orphan was always at the top of our 'must see' list for years, but we never had the chance to watch it until now. I guess you can say it was probably one of the creepiest movies I've ever seen in my life, and to be honest, I feel like that movie has officially scarred me for life.

"Thank god that's over," I said.

Harry laughs and gets up from his chair to switch on the lights before coming back to sit down next to me again.

"You were scared, weren't you?" he jokingly sneered.

"A little,"

"A little? You were hiding under the blanket almost the entire movie and clinging onto me for dear life," he said.

Playfully my rolling eyes, having enough of him and his teasing. I can't help getting scared when it comes to scary movies.

"Fine, I was scared. Actually, I was terrified. Happy?" I admitted.

"Finally! I got you to admit something," he smirked. "It wasn't that scary, to be honest,"

"Yes, it was! Imagine thinking you adopted a child, but it ends up being an adult with a mental issue," I exclaimed.

"Yeah, that's creepy but not enough to scare me," he said.

I laugh and shake my head. Of course, it wasn't scary to him. Counting out the movie Jaws, when it comes to scary movies, he is the type of person who never gets scared. He's the one who will jokingly scream out of nowhere during the suspenseful scenes just to scare people around him and laugh when they jump in their seats. However, he's also the person that will let you snuggle into him if you get scared, which I did a lot tonight while watching this movie for the first time. Harry and I have known each other since birth, so snuggling together isn't considered as weird for us.

"But Jaws did?" I asked as we get up to go upstairs. "Ever since the 5th grade after we saw the movie, you didn't go knee-deep in the ocean for years. To this day, you still get hesitant,"

"A movie about a great white shark lurking around and eating people is a lot scarier than the movie we just watched. Imagine relaxing on a raft in the ocean, the water is flat, no waves, and then a shark pops out, eating you alive," he explained. "And then the next day, part of your chewed-up body is washed up on the beach and-"

"Okay, I get the point," I laughed, interrupting him from his rant. "But to be honest, that is scarier than what we just watched,"

Stopping half-way up the stairs, Harry turns around to look at me, his sparkling green eyes sending butterflies in my stomach. Over the past two years, I've slowly started developing feelings for him that I never felt before. We've been best friends for so long and I never felt that way about him until that one night we were hanging out together like usual.

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