C h a p t e r 2 : "And they were roommates"

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C h a p t e r 2 : "And they were roommates."

After a collective amount of help from generous people, I finally found the way to my assigned block.

I went through the security check for official verification. Hence, the guard was being extra nice and escorted me to my room, it was unexpected because kindness sometimes only exists in movies.

But I was doomed by Block One because instead of having it in ascending order like all the other blocks, it was allocated right behind Block Two.

I was either too blind to notice it or just could not be bothered to bring my legs and walk around this huge campus.

My gut was telling me that I did not have the energy to walk further, so my immediate reaction was to let out frustration, it happens a lot.

One thing I came to learn about Jubilee National College is that boys and girls are allowed to be in the same block, not a room but the same block. I mean usually, College would separate boys and girls from staying in the same building, well that is new for me.

Now I am currently sprawled in the center of the bed that I have chosen. I noticed there were another two beds, right and left, but it was empty. My stomach churns knowing I must interact with another two roommates that I will be stuck with for the rest of the year.

The perks of being a wallflower.

I took a minute to study the room, the walls are beige, contrasting with the white curtains and brown furniture.

It looks like I have been placed in a fancy or wealthy dormitory, it was nice of Uncle Thomas to do that for me. I do not think I can afford such a dorm by myself, plus it was unnecessary.

This place is filled with a large wardrobe, kitchen, living room, balcony, and bathroom enough to fit the capacity of three people in one dorm.

Neither of my other two roommates show up, yet. I guess I should unpack my stuff before they come, so I will have time to arrange it or else it would be awkward for me to do that in front of people I have not met.

Is it just me or?

That is just me alright.

I make the effort to unpack my clothes and personal belongings and store them in drawers and the available wardrobe for my share of space.

I take a note to leave some space for my other roomies, I do not want to be blamed as a 'selfish cunt' for taking up space, trust me that was what my high school friend told me when we went for a school camp, just because she brought a lot of unnecessary clothing. It was a short trip, and she was exaggerating.

That is why I do not have many friends except for my neighbour next door. We did not go to the same school because he went to a private school instead and he is one year older than me.

Fletch was one of the real friends I had, we grew up together and I have known him ever since I first moved to town.

Thinking about him made me sad, he was a genuine friend, but that was until his parents died in a horrific car accident, they were nice people.

It affected him in many ways that he began quiet and moody at first, then slowly he stopped talking to me. I was always trying to make conversation with him, but he shut me down, for good.

And ever since then I have become alone, it was sad being lonely, but I am getting used to it. Maybe.

That is why I fear meeting new people or having to accept them in my life because they tend to leave.

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